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Jaden's POV
It's been about a month and I can walk, run... fuck. But it still hurts at times. A lot is going on... my birthday is today, Ky's birthday is next week, and Z is finishing up school.

Ky has been begging me for the last week to put her in dance class like Z, I guess I should be glad she has a big sister like Z but I just don't get how this 'family tree' works.

I've had Ky call her Titi Z or just Titi so she knows that's her auntie, so that's what we've all been flowing on. But they're so close, like sisters. So I guess Ky's role model is her Titi.

Bey has been doing tons of interviews lately and soon she'll be on tour. I feel like I don't see her much, and I mean her. When I wake up she's normally already at work, and by the time I get home she's asleep. I don't want to wake her but I just want to see my baby, damn.

It's the 'I Am Sasha Fierce Tour' and her costumes have been coming along great. I mean, there's an up and a down in every situation but she'll be gone for 6 months.

6 months.... I can't think straight knowing she's in a meeting, let alone her being in another country. But I'm trying my best to be a supportive fiancée, I'll always support her. But I'm needy, and I need my BeyBear.

"Baby, I'm on in five.... how do I look?" She asked, giving me a spin.

"You look amazing babe, as always

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"You look amazing babe, as always." I said, making her blush as I kissed her forehead.
"Thank you, and I promise after this interview I'll take you to lunch. Just to make up for the dinner I had to cancel because of work." She said before pecking my lips.

"You don't have to." I said, trying to act like I wouldn't cry if she canceled one more thing. I don't want to go out, I just want my baby.
"Well then we'll go home after this, I'm ready for some Netflix and popcorn." She laughed. I agreed and soon they were shooing her away from me so she can get on stage.

I'm just glad I actually watch Oprah.

"How did I do? Was I too quiet? I can't really control that on stage when I'm speaking. I feel-" GCO

"Shh, babe. You did great, and I like when you're shy." I said before leaning into her ear.
"Especially since I'm Daddy."

She shivered at my whisper before grabbing my neck.
"You can't do that in public, now I'm just gonna act shy 'till you get me screaming." She sighed seductively in my ear.

"Well then let's get in that dressing room. You've gotta talk today, Oprah may still wanna see you. Let me just fix you." I said as she drew circles on my chest.

Just as I was gonna get to the point, Oprah walked up to us.
"Beyoncé, you did great. I just love you, you're so sweet." She smiled.
"Thank you." Bey said quietly with a smile. When she turned her back to me I pulled on her dress like a child as she made small talk, but she wasn't making the talk small enough.

"And Jaden is doing good?" Oprah asked, making me focus on her.
"Yes, I am thank you." I smiled before getting back to work. Soon Oprah said goodbye and Bey grabbed my hand and pulled me with her to the room.

"Why!?" She laughed.
"I just wanted to mess with you." I smirked. She changed before there was a knock at the door. When she answered I heard her say things like, "I can do that today." And "Perfect, today."

I was pissed, she really forgot.... wow. But I'm not gonna show it, she's busy and I don't want to be selfish. She does more work than I do so I'm not gonna make a big deal.

"Baby, I need to go to the studio and pick up some paperwork. Will you go with me?" She asked, I nodded my head in response before grabbing my bags in silence. When I got to the front door of the building she tugged my arm and turned me around.

"Baby? What's wrong?" She asked, but I didn't say anything. I just stared blankly at the wall, my teeth clenched and the tears were really trying. She pecked my lips repeatedly waiting for me to kiss back, but I didn't.

"Come on." She huffed before pulling me into the car. I walked behind her as cameras flashed and fans screamed. When we got into the car and she had the driver roll up the partition. I guess if we fight she wouldn't want anyone to hear, right.

"What's wrong baby? Something is bothering you and I want to fix it." She said sweetly. I tried my best to not look at her but she slid closer to me.

"Nothing." I said shortly.
"Please tell me, don't shut me out baby." She sounded so innocent.
Am I over reacting? She doesn't even know, and she's trying. I'm being way too stubborn.

"What's today?" I asked, a hint of anger in my voice. She thought for a second.
"Oh! I'm sorry baby! I've been so busy I forgot all about it! I'm sorry baby." She raised her voice.
"It's fine, your busy." I said, turning to the window.

She rubbed my thigh in hopes I'd react but I didn't budge. She then kissed my neck but I kept stiff.
"Baby I'm so sorry, please don't ignore me though." She begged. I just looked outside the window as she rested her head on my shoulder.

Once we got to the studio she went to get her papers and we rode home in silence, mostly on my end.

When we pulled up to the house all the lights were off inside, I could tell by the windows.
"Who's home?" I asked Bey.
"Nobody." She smirked. She's loosing it if she thinks she can forget my birthday and still give me birthday sex.

As soon as I got into my room I grabbed a towel, my robe and Bey's vibrator. She loves to use this in me and I ain't mad about it. As I ran the bath water I used the vibrator a little.

"Mhm..." I was moaning quietly so Bey wouldn't hear. As I pumped it in and out I couldn't help but imagine Bey, and that only made me more slippery.
"Damn Bey...." my eyes shot open and I realized what I'd just said. I'm supposed to be mad at her, not want her.

Bey's POV
Ain't nobody forget her damn birthday. I just have a surprise for her but she really thinks I forgot. It honestly makes me feel bad that she thinks that.

As I walked up the stairs I heard the bath water running. She must be that mad....

I'll just leave her alone and let her have some time to cool off. But I've got work to do, but not really work..... Jaden work.

I grabbed the vibrator Jaden likes to use in me and laid on the bed. I quickly stripped down and turned it on.
"Damn Jaden, baby..." I moaned until I heard someone else moaning.

"Damn Bey...." I immediately knew it was Jaden but it only made me more wet to think about her. I pumped in and out of myself before feeling the pit in my stomach form. Soon I was having a silent orgasm but it would've been better if Jaden gave it to me.

I got up and walked into the bathroom closet to get a washcloth.
"What are you doing?" Jaden asked from the tub.
"I need to clean myself up a bit before I go out tonight." I said, knowing it would only piss her off more.
"Hmm." She hummed as she nodded her head slowly.
"I'll leave maybe by 6:30, but I need to make sure everything is together." I elaborated.

She was so pissed she didn't say anything.
"Well I'm going to leave so..." I said before trying to peck her lips. She turned her head, in plan that my lips would land on her cheek but they landed on her neck. I kissed and sucked on the spot before she pried me off.

"Stop." She whispered.
"I love you. And listen to the note or else my plan will be ruined." I said before kissing her forehead and walking out.

Damn, maybe Bey has something planned. Maybe Jaden's being too stubborn....

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