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Jaden's POV
Bey and I were at the Rockets basketball game. We were sitting court side and after halftime I started getting bored... and horny.

I hadn't even noticed I was subconsciously playing with Bey's hat.
"Baby, you okay?" She asked, grabbing my hands.
"Babe, when are we just gonna win? I'm horny." I whispered the last part. She laughed before whispering in my ear, "Don't worry baby..."

She made me melt at her voice, "When we get home I'll fix that for you."
"Well you aren't right now." I said angrily before lightly hitting her shoulder. She smirked as she grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to her.

"Stop pouting baby." She said as I poked out my bottom lip more. The cameras were on us and everyone started cheering. I finally noticed we were on the 'kiss cam'.

"Please don't pout, baby girl. You're too cute for that." She said before kissing it away. I smiled into the kiss as the stadium went crazy. She pulled away a little before biting my bottom lip.
"Better?" She asked and I pouted again. She laughed before pecking my lips once more and turning back to the game.

As the game went on she held my thigh, as if that's really helping. Soon I got up to go to the bathroom, she ain't gonna fix the problem so...

As soon as I stood up she quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me into her lap. I smiled awkwardly at the fans across the court filming us.
"Babe, I need to fix this." I whispered to her. She smirked before rubbing my legs up and down, each time getting closer to my ass.

"Babeee..." I whined. She laughed and let me go. I was gonna sit back down but then I realized it was the end of the game. Thank God!

Just as we were about to leave I heard a familiar voice call for Bey.
"Bey! Omg Bey, what a coincidence to see you here!" Kim said as she walked over to us.

If anyone was gonna hold me back from getting Bey in between my legs I'd rather it be literally ANYONE... but you.

"Hi Jaden." She smiled at me.
"Hi." I smiled fakely.
"How are you two? Taking over the internet with your guys' cuteness?" I raised an eyebrow at Bey.
"Good." We said at the same time. She talked about herself a bit and then we started to get in the car. 

"Babe." I huffed seductively. Bey smirked before grabbing me by my ass as I straddled her.
"Yes?" She asked, looking down at our bodies grinding on each other.
"You're always so goddamn sexy, you know that?" I said as I dragged my finger in between her breasts.

She didn't respond, she simply took off my shirt. As she smirked down at my body I became nervous.
"Are my boobs too small or something? I need to look into a boob job or something, I'm so-" GCO
"Shut up and show me your body, baby. I'll always love you, I ain't never had a problem with your boob size before." She said before kissing my lips, slowly and passionately. I relaxed a bit more before she kissed on my neck.

I swear I heard her whisper to herself about my boob size, "I like small." Are my boobs really that small? Compared to Bey? Yes... Nicki? Yes... anybody else visually appealing? Yes.

I pushed myself off her and put my shirt back on.
"Baby, what happened?" She asked as she rubbed my thigh.
"I don't feel good right now." I lied, she knew I lied.
"And why don't you feel good?" She asked, knowing I can't elaborate.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes before turning to look out the window. She slid next to me and wrapped me in a hug, exactly what I needed.
"I don't fucking care about everyone else's boob size. I love you and your body. When we almost had sex for the first time I just wanted to play with your boobs. I have no problem with your body because it's too fine." She said, trying to make me feel better.

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