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2 weeks after split...
Bey's POV
I was at the bar closest to the house as people danced to the music. Luckily this bar was more laid back and I'd been here so much that they know not to take photos of me. I've actually made friends here when I come in a better mood.

Honestly I'm drinking my problems away, even if they say it's not possible. The love of my life walk out of it and I have no more to live for other than Ky. I just hope this break isn't forever and she doesn't move on. I haven't seen her since she stopped by the house and we got in an argument.

Long story short, we both work too much and after we finished yelling at each other she left. I know she was upset and we were both heated.

As I thought more about her and the situation the more I drank.
"Hey Bey, ya ben drinkin since ya gottere. Ya should chill man." Cole said in his Jamaican accent.
"Nah, immm perfectlyy fiiinee." I slurred, taking another shot. He put his hands up to show he surrendered and walk off.

Jaden's POV
"Stop Nick! I'm fine, leave me alone and I'll finally stop crying." I said, wiping my nose. She huffed before leaving, slamming the door in the process. I jumped before silently crying more.

I wiped my face with the sleeve of my shirt as my phone rang. It was Cole, from the bar.
"Hey Cole, what's up?" I asked, trying to sound like I wasn't just crying.
"Hey J, Bey benere drinkin since four, she real drunk but ain't come wid nobody. Ya gotta pick 'er up please." He said, he sounded concerned.
"I'm coming to get her right now, please don't let her leave but don't tell her I'm coming." I said before hanging up and putting my slides on.

"Nick! I have to get Bey before she drinks herself to death. I'll be back!" I yelled to her as I walked past her room. I heard a faint "okay" before leaving out the door.

When I pulled up the the bar I could smell the alcohol before even getting to the door. I walked by the bouncers, giving both hugs before going to find Cole.

When I found him as he was pulling a drunk Beyoncé to a private booth. As I walked up to him I heard their conversation.
"Bey, ya need ta realize she loves ya. She's tryin' ta make sure she's tha best for ya."
"But shhee iss what'ss best for mee. Shee's amaazingg Cole! I'd die withoutt herr!" She cried.

I tried not to cry as I made my presence known.
"Babe, let's go home." Was all I said before picking her up and taking her to the car. I locked her in before going back inside to find Cole.

"Thank you." I said, kissing his cheek. Cole is like a little brother to me so he always watched out for Bey and I.
"Na problem sis. Me don't want ya ta find ha face first in da toilet tomorrow and not know what happen." He laughed. I said goodbye to him and all the staff before going back out to the car.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. But you left me, I don't know what to do with myself." She cried as I drove home.
"I needed to clear my head babe. I've been at Nicki's since just crying, we both are hurt but you can't drink your problems away. It just brings more problems, honestly." I sighed before putting my hand on her thigh. She looked at my hand before leaning her head on my shoulder, I smiled before driving home.

Once I got a stumbling Beyoncé into the entry room of the house she started crying on the floor.
"Baby, what made you want to sleep forever?" She sobbed. I picked her up and made her look me in the eyes.
"Because I couldn't believe the Beyoncé wanted me to even write her a song, let alone marry her." I said honestly, even though she won't remember tomorrow morning.

I put her on the bed and grabbed some makeup wipes.
"Baby, don't! I only look good with makeup on." She said, trying to push me away.
"Babe, you look better without as much on so take it off." I sighed, reaching out again.

I took her makeup, shoes and dress off leaving her in her bra and panties. Next I washed my face and got ready for bed. By the time I got back to bed she was knocked out. I carefully laid down next to her before wrapping my arm around her waist.

"I love you Jaden." She mumbled before her light snores hit my ears.

Bey's POV
I woke up with a horrible headache and a queasy feeling. I quickly ran to the bathroom and spilled my guts 'till I was weak. I felt someone hold my hair and rub my back.

"What happened?" I asked, my face still in the bowl.
"You're lucky Cole called me. You probably would've still been drinking. But you got drunk... again." I heard from above me. I recognized the voice and looked up at Jaden.

"I-Cole called you?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah, he said you were just taking shots I knew I had to get you." She said before helping me to my feet. I realized I was in my bra and panties and Jaden was only in a t shirt.

"Did we...?" I asked seriously. She laughed before shaking her head.
"No, I just took you home and made sure you took your makeup off. Do you remember telling Cole when you were there?" She asked, trying to stifle her laugh from before.

"I was so drunk, I don't remember anything." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.
"It's okay babe, I'll get you your Advil and water." She said before walking downstairs.

I brushed my teeth and walked to the closet. All her stuff was back and it made me smile, she's mine again. I grabbed an oversized shirt and shorts before getting the shower ready.

"Babe, take this. I'm gonna make breakfast and then we can see what plans we make." Jaden said as she handed me two pills and water. I took the pills and gave her the water back, "Can we get in the shower together? Then we can cook breakfast?"

She bit her bottom lip, trying to hide the smile. I smiled at her before pulling her into my arms.
"So that's a yes?" I asked in her ear. She didn't reply, she broke from my arms and started undressing.

"This," She started, pointing at her naked self.
"Is a yes." She gave me a wink before getting in the shower.

Me? Oh I was right behind her...

I love when, no matter the circumstances, two people always love and care for each other. 💖

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