Muscle Over Mind

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Muscle Over Mind

As we drove, we were listening to some music that Zim played. It was techno music.

"You like this kind of music?" I asked.

Zim nodded. "Of course! The humans music are so horrible! I can't stand it! The 80s music was somewhat bearable!!"

"So when are you going to tell me your age?" I crossed my arms.

"Does it really matter to you?" I nodded again, rubbing my temples. He saw it and gulped.

"I'm about 126 years old. I was from planet Irk. A race full of mighty soldiers. Irken vampires as you say. My mission was to come here and take over for the Almighty Tallest. Nny found me in the woods in the summer of 1997. I was 16 and needed shelter. I was weak from the crash and didn't have time to drink blood from him. Instead though, he said that he has a bucket of blood with him. Zim was confused on why would he have that, but I decided to take it anyway."

"Your parents?"

"Like I said, Zim has no parents. Irkens have no parents in general. We were born in a birthing facility. We were taken out of incubation cylinder by the "unfeeling, cold" robot arm."

"Why did Nny save you if he knew your plans and actions?"

Zim sighed. "Nny is probably the most compassionate human in this filthy world. He has more of a mind than the rest of the humans. Something that they wouldn't understand besides his wife and us. I don't think you would understand unless you see it with his own eyes. For me, it was very scary just by looking at him."

I could guess why. Something about him makes me feel like there was something more to him. Something that he did before he was a comic book writer.

"How did your family meet?"

"Devi brought Tenn to our family. I didn't notice her until later. She was like what you are to Dib. A sister, but not a scary one. It was only two years later that she found Sizz-Lorr. He was looking for me. He wanted me to go back to Foodcourtia. It wasn't long until he came upon our group, confused as ever to why we are all here. Since there was humans as well that could make him more rich, he decided to stay."

"Tak and Skoodge?"

"Tak and Skoodge are two rare Irkens. Tak wanted to become an Invader after an accident with me. Skoodge, was one of my acquaintances since smeet. I decided for him to join us for the invasion. Back on Tak, she is like me. She has certain gifts that made her stand out from the rest."

"Like what?" I interrupted.

"She can control people with just one look. Sometimes it doesn't work for those seem smarter. Tak can also see things that might happen before it happens!"

"Like the future?"

"Yeah, something like that to humans."

"What kind of things does she see?"

"Tak saw me and Skoodge. She saw Nny and our family, they came together to look for us. She's the most sensitive to non-Irkens. For example, if she sees another alien species coming near us with any threat they may pose!"

"Are there a lot of your kind?"

"There are, but we spread out to gain control over the whole galaxy. But on Earth, not many. We've given up hunting pathetic humans so we are able to live with them in peace! The other family that was like us were in Alaska. Those who live differently tend to band together."


"Exactly. We did it many times. It's so tedious like anything else!! We always go north though."

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