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In my dream, it was very dark. A dim light was shining on Zim's skin. He had the sword in his hand was blasting piggies that were after him. I shouted out to him, but he didn't notice me. I woke up in the middle of the night and wished that I could dream of it again. It was like being in a real life game. After that, he was in my dreams each night, being a certain video game character, whether be the hero or the villain, he was the one I saw first.

Everyone had forgotten what happened after the accident. Nobody cared. They all had moved on with their lives. They didn't bother me or Zim. Not even the Cullens glanced my way anymore.

When I sat by Zim, he didn't notice me. Once in a while, he would made a fist with his hand.

I waved at him to show that I was being normal. He turned his head and nodded silently, then looked away at the window.

The snow melted and my class said we are going to have a field trip to the beach.

I overheard that there was going to be a spring dance coming up. All the girls in my skool was happy and excited. Squealing on who might ask them out or who did ask them out. I almost wished that I was deaf, there noises are giving me a headache.

Next day, in Biology, Zim turned to me.


I looked at him slowly. "What? What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "For being rude to you. But it's better this way."

I opened my eyes. "I don't follow," I said.

"It's better that we should not be friends anymore. You have done your part."

"We weren't even friends from the start!" I almost yelled, but kept it low so the teacher won't hear.

"You know we were." He was being serious.

I gritted my teeth then looked away.

Today we play basketball at Gym. I was the only one who was not afraid to catch the ball when someone passes it to me. I made it in a few hoops.

When I got home, I was by myself playing video games until Dad came in.

"Ah Gaz, I wanted to ask you something?"


"How about you go somewhere? Just to have some fresh air. Take your brother with you as well. It is dangerous out there."

"Why can't you let me have the bat for just once?"

"I guess I can let you go out for yourself."

"I'm just going to see if there is any new games out anyway."


The next day, as I walked to skool, the game in my hand, my batteries were on low. I digged into my pockets and one of the batteries almost fell into a puddle. It didn't hit the ground when a flash came and caught it. I looked up and saw him. Zim handed the battery to me.

"Aren't you sweet?" I said, not amused.

"Zim does his best to help you foolish humans lead the way to prosperity."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I muttered as I walk away.

"Wait!" he called out, running to me; But ended up beside me, keeping the pace. "Zim was being rude to you. Forgive Zim!"

"Why do you keep bothering me?!"

"I wanted to ask you something!"

I crossed my arms. I sighed. "What do you want?"

"I was wondering if, a week from Saturday -- you know, the day of the hideous spring dance ---"

"Great, you too," I interrupted, slapping my forehead with my hand.

"Will you let Zim finish or not?"

I sighed again and nodded quietly.

"If you are going somewhere, you wouldn't mind if I let you have a ride."

"With who?"

"Myself." he smiled.

"Well, I was planning to get some games in another town, but I don't think your car can handle it."

"My ship runs fine, thank you very much."

"You know the point of not being friends is to not talk to me."

"Incorrect. I said it would be better if we weren't friends, not that I don't wish to be."

"That makes perfectsense." I rolled my eyes.

I continued walking beside him.

"It would be more...wise for you not to be my friend," he explained. "But I'm tired of trying to stay away from you, Gaz. Will you go to town with me?" he asked.

I was silent, so I just nodded.

He smiled happily, but then went serious.

"You really shouldstay away from me," he warned. "I'll see you in class."

He turned away and walked back to the way we came.

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