Boring Beginning?

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Boring Beginning?

I was playing some vampire piggies on my GameSlave 2 as the bus drove me to the airport. The temperature was the same as insert town name here because the writer of this one has lost money to even name it. I was wearing a black dress with grey sleeves, pink stockings, black buckled boots, and a skull pendant around my neck.

In somewhere that is a boring state from the northwest, a small town named Spoons lived there. It has lots of rain. I hated rain ever since whenever I was near a puddle, I always get wet in them. The town said it would a cheerful place where everyone was happy and full of love. Gross. I had to go there because of my dad, Prof. Membrane. He talked about spreading the science and technology to everyone in the world by starting in this town.

I arrived there as I grabbed my bags and started to walk to my plane. I don't care much if I leave this stupid place, as long as I'm in the zone, then everything is just fine.

The plane took about four hours. Two stops and a car drive from dad to Spoons. I still played games throughout the whole thing which kept me going on for now, even if I was with dad.

When I landed in Port Angels, it was raining. My teeth gritted as I pulled out my umbrella from one of my bags. I was entering in someone's nightmare worlds.

Dad was glad to see me come with him. He was a famous scientist to almost everyone in the world. Creating super toast, power energy generator (PEG for short), and almost made a robot that ended world hunger. Dad also has already registered me to skool. I really need something to get to skool besides walking, maybe a scooter or bike, I don't care.

Prof. Membrane gave me a hug as I got off the plane. "It's good to see you, my fine daughter," he said in a happy tone. "Still the same as always, how was your days at our old home?"

"Good I guess. Great to see you too, Dad," I replied, shrugging a little.

"I found a car for you, a good price too," he spoke when we were in the car.

"Am I too young to drive?" I asked him.

"Well it never hurts to be prepared now. Always look into the future!"

"Okay then."

"You can always upgrade it if you want. I'm willing to do anything for you when I'm not in my work."

"Sure, I guess."

"I want you to be happy here Gaz. Maybe making a few friends here," he suggested. "Fine, I guess." Why would I be happy in Spoons?

Both of us were silent through the rest of the time. We also looked at the window too.

Everything was like in any other girl's mind. A beautiful place. Every single plant in every part of this place was green as grass.

Too green --- I think I'm going to be sick.

Soon, we made it to dad's place. It was a big, two-bedroom house that he got with the money from his work. Parked on the street in front of the place was a truck. A red truck. Eh.

It didn't take long for me to get my stuff upstairs. I had a bedroom that was facing over the front yard. The desk had a computer with a phone next to it. A chair was there as well.

I should be happy since dad doesn't bother me much as I play my games. It's good to be by myself for now. Not even my brother is living in this house.

Spoon Skool had a lot of students. They had been together ever since they were born like their families have been when they came here.

I had a regular peach-white skin color, purple hair, squinted eyes (if my eyes go wide, then it's brown-amber eyes), round head, and other stuff that I don't want to say to you right now because I'm going to the next level of this game and I need to concentrate.

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