Pet .. (One Direction)

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Scarlett's pov

Umm.... hello.

My name is Scarlett, I'm a werewolf and I'm 17 years old.

My mom and dad were killed when I was 7, that was ten years ago. I became homeless and wandered around the streets for 2 years. I was helpless, everybody saw me with disgusted looks and I'd cry myself to sleep everyday. The nights were so cold.

The world I live in is terrible, it is ruled by vampires and everybody below them, like humans and werewolves are their pets or slaves .

When I was twelve years old I was caught by few men who brought me to an auction house. There were so many people here. All abducted. We are sold. But they train us to do all the household chores. When all the training is completed they sell us to the highest bidder at the auction.

Right now, I'm in a room and the auction is going to start soon.

I just hope that my masters are good to me .

Suddenly my room opens and I'm dragged out of that stinky place . We finally came to a stop and I saw in my front. People everywhere.

"Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, she is a werewolf  and she is the most popular out of all the pets . She is a virgin and her cost starts from 10,000 dollars , anyone who wants to buy her rate her. " that ugly man said.

"12,000 dollars"

"15,000 dollars "

"100,000 dollars " said the last woman.

"Ok, the deal is for 100,000 dollars ." he said again.

He then dragged me out of the stage holding onto my arms so tightly that I will be having one more bruise.

We stopped, and I saw a pretty women maybe in her early thirties but I knew she was older than that because she was a vampire., she was so tall, pale and her red lipstick looked perfect. She is gorgeous. I would do anything to be like her but I can't .

She held my arm and took me out of that place and we stopped in front of a car. It was of black color, it was a very expensive looking car.

She opened the door and made me sit there..

"Hello love.." she said

"H-Hello m-mist-ress.." I said softly

"My Name is Jacqueline , but everyone calls me Eli don't call me mistress " she said

" Y-Yes, Am I going to be your slave..??" I asked hopefully because she is very sweet.

"Nah... I bought you for my sons... you'll become their slave " she said, showing off her teeth and her fangs were even visible.

I just hoped her kids are good to me.


Hola people ..!!!

please vote and comment..

I'll update tomorrow

Love ya directioners...!!!

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