Chapter 16: Ceptiorus 2 and Mr. Theve's Arrival

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A/N: Titles, creature and character names including moves and attacks etc. are fictitious. Such terms were coined by the author and is in no way based on any previous work of fiction.

(NOT YET EDITED: Grammatical errors and Typographical errors are lingering in this update. Please be patient while I double check this one Haha. Sorry.)

(Unknown Woman's Voice)

Her face has been so depressed that you couldn't even stand a chance to look at her for a second. She's been so anxious about on what those humans can do. She's never been like this before. She never exerted a lot of effort to execute those extraterrestrials. Our ecology has never been disturbed before; until they came. No one has ever tried to challenge my great Liege. She's so clever, omniscient, powerful and magical, yet, her powers can't eliminate those five people? I guess, our Five Guardians really should be involved by this time. The elements surrounding her whole body show the hatred and inferiority she's currently having.

"If you have no request my Lord, I'll make my way out."- I bowed right in front of her and turned back and started to make little steps away from her place.

"Stop."- her shivering voice caught my attention. This is not good. My Lord should be calm right now!

I rotated my whole body and made a bow again.

"Yes My Liege? Do you have any request?"

"Crypt, you've been a very loyal servant to me. I've been thinking for an alternative plan, yet, nothing has entered my mind. It has been a thousand of years since  your guardians started to leave you under my kingdom. You haven't betrayed me once, and still, I don't doubt your  loyalty to me. You've been a strong and potent kingdom fairy warrior. You've defended me for so many times and  we've killed many strangers. Crypt, your loyalty will always be recognized. As the ruler of this island, as the Goddess of all the Goddesses, and as your master; I'll give you your final task."

My head rose up instantly after I heard those sentences. I have never heard her  giving me appraisals and credits. Could it be her request is painstaking?

"My Liege, as a servant and as a warrior, betraying you will never cross my mind. I may not be educated nor blessed as one of the five guardians who was privilege enough to have his own land to manage;but, still, I can give you the assurance of my whole-life loyalty. I am ready to hear your request My Lord."

"If you've completed this task, I will free you, Crypt. You deserve independence and liberty. For all the years you've sacrificed for me, you need to make your own life. For your last mission, I hope your loyalty will never waver."

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