Karma x Delicate! Reader: Ignorance

Start from the beginning

"Ne, what's happening to you today, (Nickname)? Finally built immune system against my teasing?" He teased.

Instead of giving him a remark, you just got up and moved away to sit with the girls, chatting away like nothing had happened. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the bewildered look on Karma's face.

The bell rang twenty minutes later, and lesson resumed after Korosensei burst through the window with a cup of English tea he just bought back from England.

The following lesson was (worst subject), which made your mood sour. It didn't help matters that when you were trying to solve a difficult question, Karma was flicking his rubber behind your head, trying to disturb your concentration.

Damned bastard obviously flitted the question like it was nothing.

Still, you ignored him and continued solving. The torture didn't stop until Korosensei moved on, which thankfully was a minute later.

Time skipped to when the last bell rang for the day, signalling it was time to go home. Bidding farewell to your classmates, you trekked down the mountain briskly in hopes to avoid Karma. But being quick on his feet, Karma soon caught up with you.

The teasing proceeded all the way until you both got on the train. Surprisingly, Karma stopped his actions and had gone quiet. But when you all got off at your station, you felt Karma leaned into your ear, his hot breath tickling you as he spoke.

"This will not go unspoken."

You processed those words as you shivered. A blush crept over your cheeks and you whipped around to search for the redhead. But he had disappeared without a trace.

You had a secret: you have a tiny teeny- screw that. You have a huge crush on the redhead. While he may annoy you, he is still hot and funny at the same time. Can't blame anyone about it, right?

# Day 3
Once you've reached the classroom, you saw Karma seated there, surprisingly. You approached your desk carefully and checked for any tacks in case he put on your seat. After making sure it was clean, you sat down.

Until, of course, Karma kicked the chair, sending you crashing to the ground.

But luckily for your reflexes, you manage to land on your two feet. You heard a snicker escape Karma as you got up and sighed. You carefully put the chair back and sat on it.

Just on time too when Nagisa along with Sugino slid open the classroom door.

Time skipped to during break. Karma had stolen your lunch, and it was (f/f). Finally, you got up and went to join Okuda who was seated with Kataoka. You weren't oblivious to the fustration that grew in the redhead. You smiled victoriously secretly.

When Korosensei bursted through the window, this time with a box of pizza from Italy, he called your name. "(Y/n)-san. I need you to stay behind a little after class today to complete your (worst subject) we did yesterday."

You slumped in your seated after giving a small 'hai'. Karma snickered. You ignored him.

Finally, class had ended. Everyone had already gone out of the classroom, leaving you and a stack of (worst subject) to haunt you. You sighed and started on your work. Korosensei had left you in here as he needed to attend to some matters.

It was only after 15 minutes, you felt like stopping already. A frown had made its way to your forehead each time you solved a question. Suddenly, a voice spoke up. "Heh, did the octopus already fried your brain?"

Hadn't he gone home already? His presence snapped you awake as you continued scribbling on the paper furiously. You cursed for the fact that you had decided to change seat with the wall behind you, or not you would already have turned around to write on the desk behind you.

A few minutes ticked by, you still ignore Karma. Finally, he seemed to snap as he snatched the paper from you and threw it behind him. You were about to stand up to get the paper when Karma grabbed your wrists and pinned you against the wall with you still sitting on your chair.

You struggled but Karma hissed: "Don't bother." Which was true. His vice like grip hadn't even once loosen. His face got closer to yours until both your nose were almost touching. You fought back a blush as he spoke. "After all the while we've been together in this class, you've never once ignored my taunts. So why now?!" His grip tightened, making you winced and tears to well up at the corner of your eyes.

You looked up at his furious face and muttered: "I...ignored you because I'm sick of you pranking me and me not being able to fight back...so I decided to..."

You were cut of with Karma crashing his lips on your own. You were shocked at first, until you gave in and melted into the kiss. Karma let go of your arms and wrapped his around your waist and brought you closer to him, making both of you shift your sitting position, with you on Karma's lap.

Your arms found their way around Karma's neck as you kissed back. You felt Karma's hand at the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. Soon, you both had to part for air, breathing heavily. Just as you regained breath, Karma crashed his lips on yours again, quite impatient to wait for you to fully take your breath.

Karma licked your lips for entrance, and you allowed him. But that's went the door slid open.

"(Y/n)-san. How are you handling- NYUWAHH?!"

Korosensei had to barge in at the best part. Both of you immediately stopped and looked at a bright pink Korosensei in shock. Karma seemed angry that Korosensei had interrupt both of you, but gave out a wry smile.

"Ne, Korosensei. I would appreciate if you just close the door and get out of the room now." He drawled out as you blushed bright red. You didn't fail to notice Karma taking out a gun.

"Nyufufufu~~ can't do so after I've seen such a scoop- NYUWAHH!" He screamed as Karma swiftly shot him in the tentacle. Korosensei disappeared down the hallway as Karma went after him. You sighed and cleaned up your stuff. You would just bring back the paper and complete it at home. You exited the classroom and went to find Karma to inform him you were going home.

Just then, you felt an arm snaked around you waist as a playful tone rang out behind you. "Not so fast, (Y/n)~ You have a lot to pay for~"

Anddddd the rest is up to your imagination.

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