Chapter Eight

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With the little kid sweating it up at practice she looked around for her reprieve.

The little kid played ball in a neighboring town, and because of the difference in age between her two children this group of parents was completely different than the group she sat next to on bleachers for the past 16 or so years. The friendships made over all those practices and games were treasured ones and she looked forward to cultivating more.

Her reprieve was a very busy lady and didn't always sit through practice. Neither did she. So it was hit or miss whether she would be here today. But right on cue, there she was.

Andie wasn't from here either and she thought that made their connection all the better. Sometimes she felt instinctively that since she wasn't from here she was automatically suspect to the locals. The Husband was from here and he thought she overreacted about it. Regardless she just stayed home most times to avoid the drama.

Andie smiled and waved as she entered the gym. "Hey girl!" she hollered out. Her enthusiasm and kind heart was contagious.

"Hey lady, you'd better sit by me," she said.

"On my way!" Andie was climbing the stairs. "So- tell me everything. Mexico, Boston, where HAVEN'T you been lately??" Andie's face was just the embodiment of joy. Not a weird or contrived bone in this girl's body. It was wonderful to have someone in her life that didn't have an angle or agenda.

"Well Boston was a bust. I mean, I didn't even get to go shopping."

"WHAT?! Oh the horror!" Andie said as she threw her head back and stuck her tongue out, she made a convincing dying face.

"Yes, I know. Horrible. Thankfully a quick trip. Mexico was great, lots of fun, felt like it took me the better part of a week to recover. Worse than Scotland."

"Well you came in and went right to work the next day. Then had ball games at night. I mean I don't know how you travel and do it all. You need to sleep sometime..." Andie gave her a concerned mothering look.

"Yeah, yeah, well you only live once," she said.

"And you fully intend to pack as much into it as you can. I get it. So Scott told me that The Husband may take a Asia job? Big raise... that's great! But what do you think about it?"

Andie looked at her and showed nothing but concern. She unloaded on Andie and shared both her reservations and excitement for his opportunity. She didn't want to hold him back and be selfish but wasn't sure how she really felt about it.

"That's normal, and it's ok to feel that way," Andie said. "I mean you have sacrificed a lot. You are a wonderful partner for him and because you're here he is able to do these things. Without you raising his kids and holding down the fort where would he be? Working someplace in town making 1/10th of what he does. I mean for him, it's all positives."

"Let's not get out of hand. I am NOT all positives for The Husband."

"Well, no one is perfect but I mean that you could say no. You could throw fits. You could fight with him over it. You could make him feel like crap. And instead you fix supper and smile when he comes in the door and smile and hug him as he leaves. I don't know that I could do it. But you can. And he knows that. You two are awesome partners and it works. And might not with anyone else."

She was right.

"Babe there has to be some reason you relocated to this God forsaken place," Andie winked.

"Many would not refer to the Carolina coast as God forsaken..." she replied.

"I know, but I do and that's why you love me," Andie said.

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