On my way home (Scömìche)

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An: Also have a little bit of Kavi in here... just saying.

Mitch's POV

"Okay. That's the last of it." Said Scott as he carried the last box onto the truck. "Yeah." I said. "I guess it is." "Come on don't be like that. We have to move Mitchie." Said Scott as he kissed my forehead and held me in his arms. "I know i know." I said. "Now. Are you sure you got everything? You didn't leave anything behind did you?" He said as he held me by my shoulders. "I don't think so.... wait i think i may have left my phone charger on the kitchen island." "Go check. Take your time... I'll be waiting in the car." He said as he opened the car door and hopped right in.

I made my way to the door and opened it. I allowed myself inside and took a deep breath. I closed the door behind me very very slowly. I went to the kitchen and saw everything plane and empty. The phone charger wasn't there so figured i packed it in with the computer charger. I looked around to make sure that i didn't leave anything behind when something caught my eye. I saw the place where the fridge used to be and i also saw this...


"Hey Scooter." I said as i entered the kitchen. "Hey Mitchie." He said to me. "What have you been up to this morning?" I asked him as i opened the fridge to get a water bottle. "This!" He said as he held his hand up and showed me his phone. He was talking to Kirstie about her boyfriend. They were having some problems with their relationship and she didn't know if she loved him or not. "Ugh...again?! Call her. Video chat now." I snapped at him as i rested my head on the fridge. "Yes Boss." He said and giggled.

Oh man... that smile those eyes that hair that face. Why is he so perfect? Why is he not mine? I know it sounds wierd but i really like him. I really really like him. I- "MITCH!" i heard Scott yell. "WHAT?" I yelled back. We both collapsed on the floor with laughter and after that... we called Kirstie.

"Hey." She said sadly. "Hey Kitten. Why the long face?" I asked her. "You know why. I don't know what to do anymore. I know you may think that i am over exaggerating but i really don't know if we're made for eachother anymore. Kyle and I seemed so perfect at first but now.... i don't know if i love him anymore." She said almost in tears. "Oh honey." I said. "Not to be rude or anything but..... do you even know what love is?" Asked Scott. My eyes darted to Kirstie. After a long silence she spoke.  "I guess not." She replied......

"Love is when you feel millions of butterflies churning in your stomach when you're with that person. Love is when your legs feel wabbly and they start to melt like ice cream when you're next to them. Love is when you feel like something is missing from your life, but when that person is around, you feel like your life is complete. Love is worth more than money and that's what you feel when you're with someone you love." I said knowing exactly what love was. I love Scott.

"Really?" She asked. "100 percent." I said. I saw her trembling and looking around. She got up and walked really fast. "What's wrong Kirst?" I asked. "I have to call Avi... bye." She said and hung up......

"Well that happened." I said as i opened the fridge to put my water back in. "Hey Mitch?" "Yeah?" I said. "Is that really what love is?" He asked. "Yeah. It is..." He got up and came up to me. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I didn't know what was happening untill our lips touched. Fireworks exploded around us and a smile crept up on my face. "I love you Mitch." He said. "I love you too... more than anything."


I took a deep breath and felt a tear escaping my eye. I walked slowly to where the living room used to be. The couch was so perfect here. It matched exactly with the walls. And also.....


"Oh my God.... Scott. People are suspecting if we have a relationship or not.... they are asking me a ton of questions like if we're together or not. It's driving me crazy." I said. "Come here." He said as he opened his arms wide for me to cuddle into them. I dug my face deep into his chest. Then he continued on what he was going to say. "It's up to you. I'm okay with anything you chose... as long as we're together." He said as his grip got tighter around my waist.

"I think we should tell them." I said after a long silence. "I mean... we should at least tell out band members... Kirstie told us when she was dating Avi. Why shouldn't we?" "Finally.... i have been waiting for you to say those words forever. I love you and i want everyone to know. Wait... i take it back. I don't love you. I'm in love with you... I'm in love with you." He said as he got off the couch, lifted me up and spun me around. I laughed at his goofiness and once he put me down i kissed him. "Took you long enough to realise that!" I said and punched him playfully on his shoulder. "I'm in love with you too. I always have been." I said and jumped into his arms. We sat back down in the same position we were before.

"So... what are we going to do?" I asked. "Tell them... what else?" "Scott. We can't just tell them that we have been dating for three months and that's it." I said worried. "Mitch calm down. Leave it all to me. We'll tell them together. We'll tell them that we love eachother and that three months ago we realised that and then we started dating and now we're a couple. Simple. No need to panic." He said and came closer to me. "What about the fans? What will they think?" I asked him. "I don't care what the fans think. It's not up to them to make our decicions for us. We make them on our own. And i chose you. I chose to love you and no one else." He said and kissed my forehead gently. "I love you." I said and cuddled back into his chest.


I saw the staircase and i was immediately intrigued by it. I didn't even realise i was climbing up the stairs untill i almost tripped on one. I felt a force pulling me upwards as i started ascending. I saw all the rooms on the top floor but only one in particular caught my eye.


I opened the frount door and rested my head against it as i sighed a sigh of relief from coming home from work. It was a long tough day and i was happier than happy to come home to Scott. I entered the living room expecting to find Scott and his usual "Hey! How was work sweetie?" and a kiss on the forehead but he wasn't there so i assumed he was in the kitchen. I entered the room and put my bag on a chair and Scott was not there either. At this point i started to get worried.

"Scott? Scott? SCOTT?!" I started yelling over and over again. I went up the stairs andlooked in all of the rooms still yelling his name. I ran into the last room which was the bedroom. "Scott please are you here?" I said as i entered. He wasn't there either so i took out my phone to call him but as soon as i did i felt someone tackle me from behind and pull me close. I started to scream until i heard a soothing voice.

"Mitch! I'm here... I'm okay. I was just messing with you." He said. "SCOTT OH MY GOD HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE DON'T DO THAT I LOVE YOU." I said crying as i jumped into his arms. He started laughing and i wanted to laugh too but i couldn't cause i thought i might have lost Scott.

"Cuddles?" He asked. I nodded my head and we both lay on the bed. "I love you." He said but that was the last thing i remembered cause i fell asleep immediately after that.


I wiped the few tears i had away from my face and made my way downstairs. But from the top of the staircase... i could see the backdoor that leads to the garden. I closed my eyes as memories started to come back to me.


After minutes of fidgeting to find my keys i entered my house. I closed the door behind me and made my way to the kitchen. Once i put my bag on the counter i heard someone making noises behind me. I tilted my head slowly to the side and turned my whole body to the side. "Oh my God. Kirsti! What are you doing here? You scared the life out of me." I said sitting down.

"Nothing. I just thought that we could have a day out. Just us you know?" She said even though i could see that something wasn't right. "Yeah... sure. Why not?" "YAY. I'll help you get ready cause i already have my outfit in the living room." She said as she took my hand and ran upstairs dragging me with her.

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