Take me home (Kesther)

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Esther POV

"Okay Esther. Calm yourself. You have done this before. Just breath." Okay.... you might be wondering what's going on right now so I'm just gonna give you a brief explanation. So a few days ago was our last day on tour and pentatonix plus me were going to go celebrate. We were going to a fancy restaurant and i felt nervous because i may or may not have a slight crush on Kevin. I liked him for the longest time so maybe it could be more than a slight crush cause i just can't seem to get him out of my head.

I curled my hair, wore a cute black dress and heels. I put on some make up and went to meet the others at the place. I got in my car and thought about how tonight was going to go. I don't want to show anyone that i like him.... it would mess things up. I arrived at the restaurant we were going to and let me tell you. It. Was. Fancy.

They were already there.... they as in Kirstie, Avi, Mitch, Scott annnnddd Kevin. I went to their table and sat down next to my brother. So I was facing Kevin, Avi wae facing Scott and Kirstie was facing Mitch.... get what I'm saying? "Hi Esther." Said Avi as he attempted to hug me eventhough we were sitting down. "Hey little bro!" I said and we pulled away from the hug. "Hey Esther. You look really pretty tonight." Said Kevin and thank the Lord that I was wearing make up because i felt like i was blushing so hard. "Oh. Hey Kev. Thanks." I said and everyone continued to talk. Our meals came and we were all full.

"Hey erm.... Esther. Would you mind giving Kevin a ride home cause i have to drive to Scott and Mitch's place since i left my phone charger there and i don't want Kevin to go to sleep late because last night he was up writing a cello peice and barley got any sleep." Said Avi. "Oh yeah. Sure." I mumbled quietly. "Okay great. Thanks." He said and got up including everyone else so i got up too. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Kevin and i got into the car and he started talking about this new song he was working on. I smiled at his enthusiasm. "So...... music?" I asked. "Of course. How about.... PTX volume II. I love that album." He said. "That's my favourite album too. Let's listen to it." I said and put the CD in.

He started beatboxing and i couldn't help but smile. His percussions were amazingly amazing! He was so good at it. I started humming to the song. "Oh come on. Sing! Have some fun." He said as he turned up the volume but not too much that would annoy other people outside the car. "Okay Mr.Grumpy Pants." I said and he laughed. I started singing to the current song that was on which was Daft Punk Medley which is a really upbeat song. We were both just being crazy wierdos in a car.

We arrived to Avi and Kevin's place and i turned off the car. He looked at me and nodded his head. "Not bad Esther Kaplan.... not bad at all. If Kirstie ever gets sick you can do her part." He said trying to hold back his laugh but failed and so did i. "Yeah right." I said and pushed him lightly. "Well thanks for the ride. Goodnight Esther." He said and opened the car door. "Goodnight Kevin." I said and he left. I drove home and sat on my bed replaying what happened.

Next morning i got up and got ready to go to the PTX meeting. I arrived and felt really wierd around Kevin. Not the usual wierd when i think he's cute but it was strange. I kept giggling and smiling and twirling my hair. I had to talk to Kirstie about it. She would know what to do.

Kevin POV

Ugh. Last night got me good. My feelings for Esther grew stronger. You see, i thought she was beautiful from day one and could never stop thinking about her. And now i like her.... a lot. I need to talk to someone about it. Kirstie. She'll know what to do about this. I told Avi i was going early to the PTX meeting we had in an hour just to practice me beatboxing and also tune my cello. I drove to Kirstie's place hoping she could fix whatever this is.

Esther POV

I knocked on Kirstie's door and she opened. "Hey Esther. What's up?" She said as she opened her arms out for a hug. I hugged her and we went inside. "I just needed to talk to someone. A girl.... you." I said. "Okay. Get comfy. I'm just going to get some drinks." Said Kirstie and ran off into the kitchen. She came back with two glasses of water. I chugged mine down and she did the same. "So" she said. "Talk to me sista!" That made me laugh. "Okay. So i have this....uh... crush if it is. I don't know. And I'm afraid that it'll get stronger and ruin our friendship." I said.

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