Someday (Kesther)

400 7 16

Esther POV

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to New York. For your safety and comfort please remain seated untill the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. I would like to thank all of you for joining us on this trip. Have a nice day." I woke up to the sound of a flight attendant speaking from the monitor. We're landing already? I must have slept a lot then. I can't believe that I'm in New York.

I looked out of the window and i was already amazed. I'm still on the plane and with my mouth wide open. I could see all the skyscrapers and buildings.... tall buildings. This was my dream come true. I only had a week here but i was still living my dream. I heard a beep and realised we landed.... i was too busy daydreaming. I took off my seat belt and waited for the doors to open. Once they did, i grabbed my purse and went to get my luggage.

I was waiting patiently for the luggages to start coming out when i got a text from my brother. He was so protective i thought to myself as i typed that i had arrived safe and sound. I looked up and saw my luggage already passed me. I got distracted...ugh. I went running for it when a man grabbed it. He was tall and muscular, very well built, dark skinned and really really handsome. My first day in New York and I'm already crushing on someone.

I ran up to him to get my suitcase. "Is this yours?" He asked. I, out of breath, eventhough i only ran a couple of metres, clearly out of shape.... hopeless. "Oh.... thanks. I got kind of distracted." I said. "That's okay. Here you go!" He said flashing me a smile and passing me my luggage. "Thanks again." I said and started to leave the airport. As i passed through crowds of people i could feel my heart rate rise up. I was so excited to be here. I got through the doors and i could already feel it.

It was so beautiful. The city was unbelievable. Even the air was different.... good different. As i continued to make my way out i heard someone yelling. "Heyyy! Wait up!" Shouted the guy from earlier. "Hi!" I said smiling. "Hey. I didn't even get your name." He said grinning. "Oh right. I'm Esther.... Esther Kaplan." I said reaching my hand out for him to shake it and he accepted. "I'm Kevin Olusola." He said. "So... you live here?" He asked. "No. I'm just here visiting for a photography project." "Cool. How long are you staying here?" "For a whole week. Then it's back to California." I said. "How about you? Where are you from?"

"I'm actually from here. I went to California for this scolarship." He said. "That's awsome. What are you studying?" "Music. I've always been a big fan of it. I play the cello and beatbox a little." "Oooooh. Celloboxing!" I said with a giggle. "Yeah. I call it.... classy swagger." "Smooth. I always liked music but i never really studied it or played any instrument." I said. "Well you are playing one right now." He said and i looked at him confused. "Your voice." He said and we both just burst into laughter.

I realised we were out of the airport and ready to leave. "Oh we're here. Well i guess I'll see you around Esther." He said. "Yeah right. New York is one of the biggest cities in the whole  world. I bet we'll ever meet again." I said. "Where are you staying?" He asked me. "A few miles from here. In a hotel on Kings Street." I said. He started grinning like an idiot. "Well i guess it's your lucky day. I live right next to that hotel." He said and we both walked there smiling.

As we walked there we talked about... well everything. We arrived at our destination and as we were about to part he stopped me. "What room are you staying in?" He asked. "Oh it's room 23. Why?" "I might pay you a little visit." He said and left. I stood there smiling to myself but soon realised that i had to check in. "Hello." I said to the lady behind the desk. "Hi there. Is your room already reserved or are you checking in now?" She asked. "I already have my room number. I'm in room 23." I said. "Esther Kaplan. Here you go. This is your key and if you ever lose it you can come to us and we'll give you a spare." "Okay. Thankyou." I said and walked away.

I entered my room and was amazed. There was a huge bathroom, a double bed, an armchair, a TV, a mini fridge, a closet and a beautiful view with a window seat. I put my luggage down and flew on the bed. I was soooo tired but i still had to unpack. "God... please send an angel to help me." I said and when i said that there was a knock on the door. I opened and found Kevin. "Hey. I thought you would need some help unpacking and stuff." He said and i laughed. He looked confused but then i told him the story and he giggled.

After a few minutes we were done unpacking. "That's the last of it." He said and layed on the bed. I sat on the armchair and smiled at him. "Thanks for helping me unpack." I said. "It was no problem. I actually had a lot of fun." He said. "Me too." "Well i better get going." He said. "Oh okay." I said feeling a little upset. "Hey. Are you free tomorrow night or do you have some photography thing?" He asked. "No. I can go out when i want and where i want, as long as i carry my camera with me. So yeah I'm free... why?"

"I thought i could show you around the city. Are you in?" He asked. "Sure. Why not?" I said. "So tomorrow night at 7." "See you then Kevin." I said. "Bye Esther." He said and i closed the door. I put my now empty suitcase away and changed into my pajamas. I sat on my bed watching TV untill i fell asleep.

I woke up morning still amazed about being in New York. I looked out of the window and the sight was beautiful. I took a shower and changed into some decent clothes. I wore some black leggings, a green top with a flowery pattern on it, a small jean jacket and some black boots. I brushed my hair and let it down. I grabbed my things and my camera and headed out the door. I walked around and took photos of everything basically. It was one in the afternoon already and i was feeling hungry. I saw a McDonald's a few blocks away and went there.

I ate and now it was time for some fun. I went shopping and bought tons of souvenirs for my friends and family, i also bought a few clothes and jewellery for myself and lastly a cute pair of slippers that i really adored. It was soon six thirty and i realised it was time to go get ready. I brushed my hair again, did some make up and filled my purse with money, my phone and started leaving the house.

I left and went to Kevin's. I knocked on the door and he opened. "Hi." I said. "Hey. You look really pretty." He said. I instantly blushed and flashed him a smile. "You don't look so bad yourself." I said giggling. "So where are we going?" "We are going to one of my favourite restaurants ever and then to a park which is really cool... You'll love it." He said. "I already do." I said. We drove to the place with his car and it was really nice. We ordered our food and ate. The bill came and i insisted i should pay or at least half but Kevin wouldn't let me. He said that it wouldn't be gentleman like so i just went with it.

"We're here." He said. I looked out of the window and was astounded. "This is... amazing." I said. There was a little park full of fairy lights and a river with huge flowers on it. I smiled at that. We walked there for a while but soon went back. "Are you tired?" He asked. "Not really. Why do you ask?" "Well i was thinking that maybe you would like to watch a movie with me?" He asked. "A movie sounds great." I said. "Good." He said. And we ended up watching movies all night. I left at about 1 in the morning and woke up at 11 o'clock that morning.

The week went by quickly and it was soon time for me to leave. "So.... this is it huh?" I said. "No don't say that." He said. "What am i supposed to say then?" I asked. "Nothing. Just...... I'll make it easier for you." He said and kissed me. His lips on my lips was just... heaven. We parted and smiled at eachother. "Oh... here." He said and handed me a box. "Just a little something for you to remember me by." He said. I opened it and found a cute little necklace with a camera pendant on it. "Oh Kevin... i love it." I said and hugged him.

"Flight to California now boarding." We heard someone say. "Well.... That's me. Bye Kevin." "Not bye...see you someday." He said, kissed me again and left. I walked on the plane and sat down. I started playing with the necklace he gave me and realised it was a locket. I opened it and found a picture of us that we took a few days ago and on the other side a peice of paper. I took it out carefully and saw a number on it. It was his... i held the number and the necklace close to my chest. "Someday Kevin Olusola." I said looking out the window.... "Someday."...

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Thanks for all the reads and votes... it's incredible.
And another thing... on my other story we almost hit 1K reads... I'm crying.
Thx for all the support 😍😘

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