Photograph (Kavi)

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An: Get your tissues ready. I cried while writing this...


I was at home all alone. No one was around so i decided to relax a little and watch some tv. I scrolled through the series options for a while untll i decided to put on an episode of Game of Thrones. I spent about four whole hours watching television untill i felt like i needed a break. She hadn't arrived yet so i cooked something cause i was feeling hungry. I made a nice warm plate of chicken soup with some veggies on the side. *(YES HE GOT THAT CHICKEN! hopefully you'll understand... sry if i ruined the vibe.... moving on...)

After i finished eating i went back to the living room and sat down on the couch. I went to grab the remote when something caught my eye.

I looked at the shelf of books that we had in the corner of the living room and stared at it. I just kept staring for over a minute in the same position. My eyes did not leave the book i was looking at. Well..... it wasn't exactly a book. It was a photo album and as they say, it's what's inside that matters. I was scared yet thrilled to open the book but i froze and did not move any of my limbs. I'm pretty sure 5 minutes have passed and i was still staring at the book.

I decided to be brave. I put the remote down and slowly got off the couch and back on my feet. I walked near the shelf and soon enough i was already reaching my hand out to touch the book. I hesitated a little when my hand got so close and i pulled it back.

This may be wierd to understand but to me this photo album brings back memories... some good some bad..... some a little bit of both... but anyways let's continue but keep that in mind.

I turned around but stopped yet again. I wanted to open this photo album but something inside of me was screaming not to. I did anyway and did a semi circle backwards so i would be facing the book. I stared at it again but this time it was different. I felt like it was staring back at me and wanting me to open it. So i did as i was told to do, even though it was my imagination.

I reached my hand out once again and i don't know how but i managed to touch the book. A shiver went down my spine and my hair stood up on its own. Instant flashbacks started coming back to me. I remember everything from back then yet i forget what i did yesterday. I pulled the book out of the shelf and held it. I stared at it again and this time it really wanted me to open it. It was staring at me with passion and desire so i sat back down on the couch and i read what was written on it. 'Memories' it said with a heart instead of the dot for the 'i'.

I opened the first page very slowly and carefully, like it was an antique or one of a kind, which it was. The first page was a photo of Kevin and I, who is my best friend and previous room mate because i started living with her. But anyways..... the first four photos were of me and Kevin because we take a lot of pictures so we could have something to remember by. The next page was one of Scott and Mitch... or even better... Scömìche. I found another photo of Esther and Darian hugging and laughed when i saw Ben doing a stupid face in the background. Those were the days.

I started flipping through the pages and saw a cute photo of me and Kirstie...


I heard the door open and saw Kirstie, the most beautiful, smart, talented, prestigious, amazing girl that i have ever met who i am so lucky and thankful to call my girlfriend. She was mine and only mine. "Avi I'm home!" She said not aware that i saw her enter the apartment from the living room.

"Hey beautiful!" I said as i got up to kiss her. "Ohh.... stop it." She said. She always does that when i compliment her. "No. You stop that." I said. "Stop what?" I sat on the couch and grabbed her by the hand. I gestured for her to sit on my lap, and she did.

"Stop denying the fact that you are beautiful. Any guy in the world would be lucky enough to know you or call you a friend let alone calling you his. I am so glad and thankful that you are my girlfriend Kirstie. You are everything that a guy could ever dream of having. I love you Kirstie. I LOVE YOU!" At this point she was in tears. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "I love you too Avi." She said.

We spent about 15 minutes in the same position but i was happy. "Hey. You know what will cheer you up?" "What?" She sniffed. I quickly took out my phone and snapped a picture of us. "You didn't even tell me to smile or anything. Delete it!" She said. I showed her the photo and her facial expression changed. "Never mind.... it's adorable." She said blushing. The photo was beautiful. I was kissing her forehead whilst her head was on my chest. I love her....


I smiled when i saw that photo. I remember that day clearly. God she's beautiful. That love we have for eachother is unexplainable. Back then... when i was with her, sparks would fly every where and it would be just me and her.... no one else.

I continued to turn the pages. Seeing photos of all of us... the five of us when we were on the sing off. But then a photo came up. A specific photo. The photo i was scared of seeing in the first place. It was the photo that wanted to be seen.

I wanted to see this photo yet i didn't. The photo made me really happy but after the slightest little second... it changes upside down. It makes me feel depressed. This photo is a photo that Esther took of us. By us i mean Kirstie, me and..... and well someone else.


I heard noises. I quickly shot out of bed but didn't find Kirstie on the other side. I quickly ran to the bathroom and found her throwing up. I held her hair up and rubbed her back. "It's okay. Don't worry. I've got you." I told her. "A-Avi... we have to go to the hospital." "What??? Why? Is it..." she smiled at me but i knew that she was hurting. "Yes. It's time Avi."

I hurriedly grabbed her a pair of comfy and loose pants from her dresser and helped her put them on. I carried her down stairs even though she insisted that she could walk on her own. I also grabbed her emergency bag and gave it to her. I took her to my car and put her on the back seats so she could put her feet up.

I was so excited yet terrified. "Ahhh.... it hurts so much!" "It's okay Kirstie. Take deep breaths. In and out.......just like that." "Ow... okay." She started breathing harder and i drove faster. I tried to make a conversation so she would maybe stop thinking so much. "What do you think it's gonna be?" I asked her. "Erm.... i think it's gonna be a boy." She said smiling. "Really? I was hoping for a girl!" I told her. "I guess we'll see in a few minutes." She said looking out and pointing at the window. I didn't even realise that we had arrived.

I quickly got her out of the car and carried her to the emergency room. I told the nurse that she was about to have a baby and she called for the doctors. When she returned she gave us a dirty look for not being married yet. A short time after the doctors put her on a strecher and that's when the magic happened.

It was a girl. We decided to call her Stella. I called Esther and the guys that we were having a baby and they all came. "Oh my god. I'm finally an aunt." Squealed Esther. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked her. "May I?" "Of course. Here you go." Said Kirstie. Esther then gave the baby back to Kirstie and i hugged her. Esther quickly snapped a photo of us. "First family photo." She giggled. Kirstie and I both smiled.


That day was bitter-sweet. Not everything happened like i imagined it would.

As i turned the next page i found a ring. The ring that i was going to give Kirstie. I was going to propose to her. I wanted her to be mine forever but life is not how you want it to turn out. I heard the door open, shut the book quickly and put it back in its place. She came in.

"Hey darling. There's food for you on the table." "Thanks. You didn't have to do that." "Where were you so late in the night? I'm only asking to see if you're okay." I asked her. "Oh I'm sorry i didn't call you dad. I just stopped to change the flowers on mommy's grave."

How are you? After reading this some of you might be in tears.... sorry about that.
And for all you Scömìche fans..... i am trying to work on one but i have absolute writers block.
And another thing. If you ship anyone from ptx or have any ideas feel free to comment below.

Pentatonix one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora