Valentine (Kavi)

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An: I planned this at the very last minute because all of a sudden i remembered that today is valentines day so please appreciate this even though it might be bad....

Kirstie POV

Another year. Another month. Another week. Another day..... all alone. I can't remember the last time i went out on a date. I believe it was two years ago in summer. I had a boyfriend called Stefan but we broke up. Actually he cheated on me then blamed it all on me because i went on tour and he said that since he had no idea of what went on on tour he assumed that i slept with the guys. Two of them are gay */and obviously into eachother ;)/ and the other two were taken at that time.... so i could not see how that could have happened.

I didn't want to get out of bed even though it was one in the afternoon. I eventually decided to get up and eat some breakfast.... okay lunch because i woke up late but whatever! I was feeling so lazy that i just grabbed a pizza and put it in the oven for thirty minutes. I went upstairs to grab my phone and went back down and sat on the couch untill the pizza cooked. I started checking my social media. First on twitter, then instagram, let's not forget snapchat and finally facebook.

I was scrolling through facebook when the notifications button dinged. I clicked on it and found that someone with the username Kavishipper800 had tagged me in a photo. It was a photo of me and Avi back in the sing off days and it said 'Valentines day tomorrow... don't forget to give her flowers Avi ;)'. I smiled but kept staring at the photo. I realised how far we've come but mostly, how far Avi and I had drifted apart. We both had jealous loved ones so we had to keep distance from eachother to save our relationships. But then i got dumped and so did he and we never had that same click again. We used to be inseparable but now... not so much. I missed him. I really did.

I decided to call Mitch and Scott. I needed to talk to them. I ringed them up on a group call. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hey queen!" "What's up?" Asked Scott. "Well i just wanted to tell you something." I took a deep breath in but didn't even have the chance to breath out when Mitch said. "Spill... momma hates waiting." "Let the woman speak." "Oh I'll show you how to speak." They went on like this for five minutes.

"GUYS! Are you forgetting something?... OR SOMEONE?!" I exclaimed. "We're sorry." They both said simultaneously. "I still like Avi." I blurted out. Scott held his breath in with both if his hands over his mouth and Mitch started screaming. Then they both joined together on a stupid melody singing "KAVI KAVI KAVI KAVI KAVI..." And so on...

"Please don't tell anyone... and besides... he doesn't like me." I said pouting. "Cheer up! Of course he does." Said Scott. "Yeah! You should invite him over... tell him that.... that Scott and I both have plans and you have nobody so you wanted some company. And you could also tell him to bring Pascal so he and Olaf could play together." *(So Pascal is Avi's dog whilst Olaf is Kirstie's :).... i know it's confusing since they are both hers but please bare with me)

"I don't know guys..." i said a little unsure. "Oh come on... it's Avi... just friends hanging out and having a good time together." Said Scott. "You know what... I'll do it. In fact, I'm gonna go call him right now." I said. "You go gurl!!!" "Good luck. Bye bye now." "Bye Mitchie. Bye Scooter." "Layter Katherine." Said Mitch and i giggled. We ended the call and i started a new one with just Avi. I ringed him up and my heart was racing so much. He picked up and i could see all of his features... or should i say....his perfection. Those eyes, that beard, that hair, that face... oh Lord.

"Hey Dora! What's up?" He said. "Dora?! Where the hell did that come from?" I asked genuinely curious. "Short for adorable." He said and winked. I regret it so bad that i decided to make a video call cause i could tell that i was blushing so hard right now. "Well.... you are.... hands.." he looked at me confused. "Short for handsome." I said with a cheeky smile. "Okay let's not do this... like ever again." He said and ended his sentence with a super frown. I laughed and he did too.

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