Bride and Doom

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Skylar's P.O.V

1 week later, it was nighttime and we were all by the campfire to hear a scary story from Hazel, Lou, and Xander."Get ready to hear the scariest story you've ever heard."Xander said in a dark tone.

"Is it the one about Gladys skinny dipping in the lake?"Zuri asked."If you listen closely, you can still hear the fish screaming."Tiffany said and I nodded.

"No, it's the tale of my ancestor, Olga."Hazel told us darkly."The daughter of Kikiwaka founder, Jedidiah Swearengen."Lou also said in a dark tone."Olga was the camp fox.Much like me."Hazel said cockily.

"This story just went from scary to delusional."I said."But Olga loved another counselor, Roland, and they used to meet in secret at the tool shed."Lou narrated.

"Nothing says romance like rat poison,"I said."Roland would bring Olga candy, and they would signal each other with a whistle."Xander told us."That's a great idea.Our duck calls draw way too much attention.Specifically from ducks."Emma said to Xander.

"But a camper told Jedediah about thier meetings, so Jedediah sent Roland away."Hazel said."Soon after, Olga ran away to elope with Roland."Lou said, walking around.

"But a freak storm hit, trapping her in the woods!"Hazel exclaimed."And she died there.Cold, bitter, and without a man."Xander said."Like Gladys on Saturday nights,"Tiffany replied and I nodded.

"Legend has it, on stormy summer nights, Olga's ghost returns whistling in the wind."Lou said darkly."She haunts Camp Kikiwaka, seeking revenge on campers for telling her father by snatching them in the night!Feeding off their fear and their legs!"Hazel yelled darkly.

"Oh,no!Next to my hair, my legs are my best feature."Jorge said scarily, holding his legs."So heed this warning.If you hear a whistle, run."Xander warned us.Then, we heard a whistle and everyone ran while I just walked.



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About half an hour later, we were getting ready to go to bed."Don't go!"Tiffany pleaded to Emma."Tiffany, I know you're scared, but you can't come to the bathroom with me."Emma told her.

"It's ok, I'll close my eyes."Tiffany said and she held on to Em!a once more, but she had her eyes close."Nevermind, I'll hold it."she said and Tiffany let go.

"And you should know ghosts don't exist."I said."Yeah, I thought you believed in that have to take it in school, with those wrinkly white coats and ugly goggles..."Emma said.

"Science?"Tiffany asked."Oh, that's the one."Emma replied."I do.And Einstein proved that energy can't be created or destroyed.So what does that energy become when we die?Ghosts."Tiffany told her.

"Yeah, I see ghosts in New York all the time.Blank stares on their faces, moaning creepily..."Zuri started to say."Zuri, those are models."I told her and Emma nodded.

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