Smells Like Camp Spirit

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(Minus the bag)

Skylar's P.O.V

It was late night and we were all by the campfire, making smores.I saw Maya and Jake talking, but I just ignored it and kept talking to Zuri."Welcome, boys, girls, dinosaur."Lou said."We're here tonight to kick off Camp Kikiwaka's bestest tradition."Lou informed us.

"The ceremony to pick the guardian of the spirit stick."she said.Everybody groaned in annoyance."Respect the stick, people!"Hazel yelled."Or, I'll take away your bathroom privileges and the woods will be your toilet."she tried to threaten us.

"That would be an upgrade."Zuri and I said."Our camp founder, Genedaya Swearengen, wielded this sacred stick from an ancient pine that was struck by lightning."Xander said.

"As was Genedaya, who wife left shortly there after."Lou said."Because he was hit by lightning?"Ravi asked."No.He was just emotionally distant."she replied."Since then, we've honored this stick out of respect to the woods and it's spirits."Xander narrated.

"Because of this, the camp and the forest have lived in harmony."Xander told us."I guess the forest turns a blind eye to Gladys's daily raw sewage dump."Emma said.I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Guys, being the guardian of the stick gets you mad respect."Xander told everyone."But, if the guardian loses the stick, the wood spirits will flip out!And the guardian's entire cabin will be cursed with bad luck."Lou warned us.

"That's ridiculous.There's no such thing as bad luck."Emma said."If that's true, how did I end up here?"I asked her."And now, we will toss the stick up in the air."Xander said, giving the stick to Lou."And whoever it touches first, will be the new spirit stick guardian!"he exclaimed.

We all got into position.Lou threw the stick up in the air and we all tried to catch it, but instead it hit Emma square in the back.We all 'oohed' as Emma held her back in pain.

"The stick has fallen!Emma Ross is the guardian!"Lou announced."She cheated!"Maya said."Yeah, she has giant man shoulders!"Hazel said.Emma looked offended.



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The next day, we were tending to Emma's back wounds.Well, Lou was tending to Emma's wounds."Emma, you got lucky.When the stick chose me, it nailed me right in the mouth and I had to get a whole new set of teeth."Lou told her.

"Wanna hold em'?"Lou asked, trying to take them out."Thank you, but no."Emma said."I don't know why people are so excited about a stick."she said."Yeah, it doesn't really make sense.I mean, it's just a stick.Nothing special."I said.

"Exactly,"Emma said."Just once, I wish the spirit stick would choose me."Xander complained."I choose you!"We heard Hazel say."I choose Jake!"I heard Maya say."Hazel, Maya, are you under the beds?"Zuri asked.

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