There's No Place Like Camp

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Skylar's P.O.V

The next day, the Woodchuck cabin was talking in the mess hall when Gladys walked in."Ladies, great news!"Gladys said happily."You finally got rid of the water rats in the lake?"Lou's asked her.

"Why would I want to do that!p?They eat all the garbage."she said to Lou.Wait, they are rats in the lake?"The news is: my boyfriend just asked me to marry him!"Gladys said.

I had a shocked look on my face."Your engaged?"Tiffany asked shockingly."Someone likes you?"Zuri and I asked."There are rats in the lake?"Emma asked scarily.Lou nodded.

"I met him last night online, at my favorite dating site, Desperately Seeking Anyone.And the best news is, he's a Nigerian prince! Don't be jealous!"Gladys bragged.She seriously dosen't know?

"Gladys, the Nigerian prince thing is a well known online scam."Lou told her."Not true!My beloved, Prince Mutumbo, is giving me the largest diamond from the crown jewels for my wedding ring."Gladys said, feeling her ring finger.

"Let me guess, he just needs you send him a few hundred dollars to help with the shipping cost?"I asked her skeptically."No.A few thousand."Gladys told us."That's a lot of bubble wrap."Emma said and I nodded.

"Oh, and since I'm out of cash, I laid off the entire kitchen staff, so your cabin has to cook for the whole camp."Gladys said."Why us?"Zuri asked."Obviously, because she trusts us Woodchucks!"Lou smiled.

"No, your just the first people I ran into."Gladys said."BTW, the fly swatters make great spatulas."Gladys chuckled.


Later, the campers were crazy hungry and Tiffany, Lou, and I were holding the door so they couldn't get in while Emma and Zuri were baking the pizza."Guys, these campers are crazy hungry!"Tiffany yelled.

"It's like a zombie apocalypse out there!"I shouted."They're about to use a kayak as a battering ram!"Lou screamed."Isn't the pizza ready yet?!"Tiffany asked them."It's ready to do something, all right."Zuri replied.

"It's gonna blow!"Emma called out."Run!"Zuri shouted.They both ran out of the kitchen and we all hit the deck.Next thing I knew, the kitchen exploded.

"Emma, did you by any chance put all of this baking powder in the dough?"Lou asked Emma, holding up a smoking baking powder can."Of course, because we were baking the pizza.Duh."Emma replied.

I facepalmed and put my head in my hands."Ok, teaching moment.A little baking powder makes thing rise.A lot of baking powder makes thing go boom!"Lou explained to her.

"Oh, please.The next thing you're going to tell me is that I shouldn't have put those cans in the microwave."Emma said."Oh boy."I said.Then, the microwave beeped and exploded.We all hit the deck once more.


After half an hour, we were in the woods foraging for food because someone, I'm not naming names,(Emma), blew up the kitchen."All right, Woodchucks, just because the entire kitchen blew up,"Lou started to say.

"Emma,"Zuri and I coughed."Which destroyed all the food..."Lou said."Emma,"Tiffany coughed."So each cabin has been left to fend for themselves."Lou said.

"I know, I know.Emma,"Emma coughed and I nodded."Dosen't mean we'll never eat again."Lou finished."I can't believe I agreed to let them bake the pizza.One time, they baked a pizza in the dishwasher."I told them.

Emma and Zuri glared at me.I just shrugged. "Relax.All we have to do is find a kale salad with a fig balsamic reduction tree."Emma said.

"It's a good thing you city girls are pretty."I said as sweetly as possible"I think our best bet is to head to the lake and catch some fish."Tiffany told us."No way.Jorge's been spending a lot of time in the lake lately, and I'd rather starve than eat fart fish!"Zuri said.

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