Luke's Back

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Skylar's P.O.V

A few days later, Luke had came to our summer camp.We were in the mess hall, eating breakfast."Well, since Ravi's doing my homework and I have some time, let's go hit the lake."Luke said, getting up.

"It's not so much a lake, as runoff from a fracking operation."Zuri told him and I nodded."Hey, Emma."Xander called Emma."Oh, that's my boyfriend.Please don't embarrass me."Emma told Luke.

"Here we go,"I muttered."Xander, this is my brother, Luke."Emma introduced him."Hey, man.Great to meet you."Xander said to him."You, too.Did you know my sister snorts when you tickle her on the elbow?"Luke told him.

I snickered."I do not snort."Emma lied.To demonstrate, Luke tickled her on the elbow and she laughed and snorted loudly.Everyone laughed at her.Then, Lou came in.

"Do you guys hear snorting?Bartholomew?Did my little piggy come to visit?"Lou asked us."No, the only pig in here is Emma."Ravi replied.Emma looked at him offendedly."Oh, that came out wrong."he said.

Hazel walked over to us."I don't know you.Identify yourself!"Hazel demanded Luke."This is Luke.He's our cool brother."I told her."Wha?"Ravi said, sounding hurt."Oh, tell me I'm wrong."I said to him.

"So, you're Blondie McPerfect-Pants' brother?"Hazel said.Luke scoffed."Emma's not perfect.See?"Luke said and he tickled her on her elbow again.She snorted and laughed once more."Ha! That's hilarious!"Hazel exclaimed.Everyone was laughing at her, including Xander.

"No, it's not!"He shouted as he saw Emma's face.


Later, Ravi told us that he challenged Camp Champion to a competition for The Spot."You challenged for Eric and Camp Champion to a battle for The Spot!"Xander asked him shockingly.

"Yes.I looked him right in the chest and demanded some respect."Ravi, Camp Champion is a sports camp. Their motto is "Win or sleep in the lake!"Lou told him."Fracking runoff,"Zuri said.

"We'll never beat them."Hazel said hopelessly."I hate those Camp Champion jerks.Last year, that snuck into the kitchen, and put mud in our meatloaf."Xander told us.

"How could you tell?"I asked them."It had more worms than usual."he replied.I nodded."And it tasted better,"Lou said."Speaking of worms, Eric's the worst."Hazel retorted.

"Tell me about it.I'm sorry I ever dated him."Lou said."You and me both, sister."Hazel replied.Then, they both looked at each other."You dated Eric?"They asked each other."Awkward,"Jorge sing sang through the side of his mouth.

"If these guys are super athletes, how are we supposed to beat them?"Emma asked them."Well, I'm pretty good with a bow and arrow."Luke said to them."Me too,"I said."Remember that time I shot an apple off Ravi's head?"Luke asked.

"Oh yeah,"I remembered.We laughed."It was a pimple and it was on my nose."Ravi told him."Either way, that must've been a great shot."Xander said."So, Luke, Skylar, could you give us some pointer?"Xander asked us.

"Yeah, sure."We said to them."We do not need Luke, Skylar and his pimple popping prowess.I will devise us a brilliant strategy based on Wellington's defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo."Ravi told us.

I rolled my eyes."What happened was-"Ravi got stopped !I'd sentence by Luke."Or we could just kick their butts,"Luke and I chorused."I say we go with Luke and Skylar's plan."Zuri said."But I did not get to finish."Ravi said.

"Exactly,"Zuri replied.And they crowded around us to lay out the plan.


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