No Escape

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Skylar's P.O.V

The next day, I was in the mess hall with Zuri.She was crying about something.Then, Jorge came up to us.She blew her nose into a tissue really loudly."Zuri, what's wrong?"Jorge asked her as he sat down with us.

"I lost my headphones.So, not only can I not listen to music, but I can't pretend to listen to music to get out of conversations with kids wearing toilet paper."Zuri replied, motioning to Jorge.

"I'd use gauze, but the infirmary is out."Jorge told us."Just my luck, some kids falls into a ravine the day I need a mummy costume."Jorge said frustratedly."Why are you wearing a costume?"I asked him.

"Because I wanted to go to the town's store to buy a graphic novel."Jorge told me."Wait, there's a town store?"Zuri asked, standing up."I could buy new headphones there!"Zuri said.

"And I could buy a new phone case there!"I said, standing up."Too bad it's against the rules to go."Jorge sad."Rules! You're so cute."Zuri said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

I nodded.We walked out and he followed us.


"Now, if we're going to sneak out of camp unnoticed, we need to be stealthy."Jorge told us.He rolled on the ground and crawled.

"Jorge, sneaking is less effective when you leave a trail of toilet paper."Zuri said to him and I nodded.

"Uh oh, that's not good.I'm not wearing anything underneath.Wrap me!"Jorge said worriedly.We got on our knees and rolled him back up.

"It's Gladys!Hide!"Jorge whispered and we hid.But, not in a very good spot.And by that, I mean we hid behind the flagpole."Jorge, what the heck are you doin'?"Gladys asked.

"Uh, he got TP-ed by the Bunny Cabin again."I lied.She gasped."I can't believe they did that.It's hilarious!"she laughed and walked away.We ran away once we saw Emma and Xander.


A few minutes later, we were at the town store and Jorge was rolling down the stairs."Jorge, we're here."I said."Yeah, you can stop rolling."Zuri told him.He got up and took his hat from Zuri and put it on as we walked in to the store.

"Excuse me-"she said to the cashier, but he stopped her."Uh uh uh uh!The sign says "Ring bell for assistance."If you need assistance, please ring the bell."he said.She rung the bell, but it didn't work.I rung the bell and it didn't work.

"Yeah, our bell is currently out of order.How may I assist you?"he asked her.Then, Jorge ran up to the counter."Where are your graphic novels?"he asked impatiently.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!Slow down there, two ply."he said and Jorge stepped away."I'm busy helping the young ladies who were kind enough to ring the bell."he said."Do you have any headphones?"Zuri asked the man.

"Yeah we do.Aisle 3.Its the one marked "Aisle 2"."he whispered to her.He gave him a look and walked over to the aisle."Do you have any phone cases?"I asked him."Uh yeah, Aisle 1."he said."Thanks,"I told him in walked over to the aisle.

I was looking through the cases and found the perfect one.

I was looking through the cases and found the perfect one

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