Welcome to Camp Kikiwaka

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Skylar's P.O.V

Ravi, Emma, Zuri, and I were packing to go to some summer camp in Maine.I think it's called Camp Kikiwaka.We're going there for the summer.When we were done packing, we put our bags in the trunk of the limo and drove away.

When we arrived at summer camp, we got our bags out of the trunk.For Emma, it was a little hard considering she has like, oh I don't know, like 50 bags.I'm pretty sure half of them are just her shoes.

You may be wondering who I am.I'm Skylar Angelina Ross.They had adopted me at a orphanage in Minnesota when I was seven.Say my middle name and I'll submerge your head into the lake.Anyway, I was put into an orphanage because I had a juvenile record.Well, enough prying into my history.

When we got close to the sign in table, all I could hear was Emma's panting."Excuse me, sir, can you have these delivered to my room?"Emma asked the proprietor that we passed.

"Jeez, you don't shave your legs for one month and suddenly you're a sir."She said, sounding irritated.Huh, I haven't looked at her legs yet.I looked down at her legs.Yikes, she needs to shave those suckers.

"I haven't even looked at your legs yet."Emma said as she took a bag off her shoulder.That's probably all of her makeup .She looked at her legs and made the same expression I did when I looked at her legs.

"Ravi Ross, a pleasure.You must be Miss Gladys, the proprietor."Ravi said as he shook her hand.Kiss up."Thank you for letting Mrs.Kipling come to camp."Ravi thanked her."I assure you that the odds of her eating any campers are very remote."Ravi assured her.

"I would still hide the bite sized kids."Zuri warned her."Aren't there supposed to be five of you?"Gladys asked us."Our brother, Luke, got stuck in summer school.Probably because he can't spell either of those words."Zuri told her.

"It's sad, really."I said, shaking my head and everyone else nodded.

"Check clear, don't care.Sign in with my nieces."Gladys said as she lead us to the sign in table."Hazel, Maya, these are the Rosses."She told her nieces.They rolled their eyes and looked at us in an annoyed way.

"I met your parents right here when we were 16."Gladys said."Your dad was a stone cold fox."She said as she did a flirtatious growl.Zuri came close to Ravi and I."Could've have gone my whole life without hearing that."she said.I nodded.

"Our aunt is always talking about your mom."Hazel said sweetly."She hates her."Maya told us.We looked at them with shocked faces."With every bone in my body.Including my artificial hip."Gladys told us.

"I loved your father, but your mom
stole him from me."Gladys said.I scoffed."Please, I'm pretty sure he would never want that."I whispered to Zuri while pointing to Gladys.She snickered and nodded.

"Plus the title of 'Best Counselor' and any chance I ever had at having a having a happy life."Gladys sounded like she was about to cry.Wow, they are the worst welcoming committee ever."No offense, but you guys are the worst welcoming committee ever."Emma told them, voicing my thoughts.

"Note to self:start digging escape tunnel tonight."Emma typed a reminder on her phone.I raised my eyebrows in agreement."By the way, phones aren't allowed at camp."Maya said as she pulled out a bag with a whole bunch of phones in it.

"Yeah, hand it over."Gladys as she tried to take Emma's phone away."No.Back off, mister!"Emma exclaimed as they played tug-a-war with Emma's phone.Maya and Hazel got in on it too.

Good luck with that.Emma's life is literally on her phone.


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