Chapter 9 ReDo !!

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Had to report again because it only posted one sentence 😤

King P O. V

I slid from under london and she stirred. She snuggled deeper into the covers and I was satisfied.  I had to figure something out now that Issac knew we're we lived.  The cartel deal is next week and I still hadn't set my Lind on letting london tag along .

I Called downstairs to have our luggage brought up. We'd be staying here until I had a plan.  I Went to the bathroom and did everything.  I walked back in the room to see london still asleep.  I put my shoes and and went to get breakfast.  On the way downstairs a man wearing a black shirt and black pants passed me. I didn't think anything if it until I made it downstairs completely and seen five more men dressed in the same thing.

I turned to run back to the elevator. I pressed the button but it was on floor 14 at the moment. I pulled out my phone and dial all the guys. They probably were still sleep. 

I dial Jd and he picked up on the third ring "what nigga" he said still sleepy. "I think Issac sent some people after london bro go check her room hurry! "

There was clatter from JD jumping up so fast. He ran across the hall and called London's name in a panic. Once he got no response he knew it was too late. He put the phone back to his ear "they got her bro! "

King was livid and couldn't believe he had caught up to them. He'd kill Issac and when he made up his mind there was no changing it.

Jd , Zach philip,and Quay made it too the lobby in a hurry. They went to their cars and headed to the trap. If he wanted war he was about to get it.


London's P.O.V.
I was sleeping when I heard the locks on the door turn. I figured it was king and turned over to go back to sleep. "I told you if I couldn't have you no one could" my eyes flew open to the sound of his voice.

I wasn't given time to think before a bag was put over my head and I was being drug throughout the room.

I tried my best to put up a fight but that didn't last because I was outnumbered. 
  I felt myself being lifted and put on a cushion then moving which meant I had been placed in a vehicle. I felt a prick in my arm and then felt my body go weak. 

Author P. O. V:London was taken to a warehouse on 23 rd street not to far from where her mother and Isaac lived. One hour later she had awoken from the drugs she was given.

I woke up but my limbs were still dead.... Or perhaps still didn't have any feeling.  The bag that was once in my head was gone . I was now sitting on a chair with my hands tied behind my back and my legs free.  If it's one think King taught me it's to keep a knife tucked away.  I stood using all of my strength considering my arms were pressed tightly against the chair. 

I finally got my arms from around the chair and dug in my bra.  As soon as I was about to cut the ties I heard footsteps.  I had to hurry and get back in the hurtful position.  I winced in lain as my arm scraped a scrap piece of metal on the table beside me.

The door opened and Issac walked in followed by some girl with black and red weave. She was told to torture me but not kill me.  I mentally laughed because she looked like a 15 year old with 95 year old titties. 

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