Chapter. 13

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Tonight my mom offered to watch Ellie so Alex and I can go out to have fun. My mom and I have been getting along alot better since I've been going out with Alex. I really don't think she liked Vince because my whole relationship with him she was never around or would'nt talk to me. The one day I bring Alex over she's home and she likes him. I'm actually happy to have her around now. No matter how happy
I feel at this moment for some reason I have a really bad feeling about tonight. We go meet Ryan at a teen club and we see Destiny, Carlos, Vince and Peyton. I seriously have the worst luck ever! Vince and Peyton come our way and I can tell he wants to start a fight.

"So latino boy, you think, you can take my girl and my baby? And Ry I thought we were cool but I see your hanging with this loser!" Vince says pointing at Alex.

Now he's worrying about Ellie and me. He should have made that choice along time ago.

"Well white boy, she aint your girl anymore and Ellie might be your baby but you make no effort to see her. Oh and by the way I'm her daddy now, so your out of luck." Alex says.

Why did he have to bring that up. But it's true Alex is the closest thing Ellie has for a dad and he's alot better than Vine.

"Your fucking dead man!" Vince yells and tries to punch Alex.

I don't see why vince trys to act tough, he isn't. He's making a fool out of himsself by trying to fight Alex. Alex takes the first punch and everyone is just staring at us. As Vince hits the ground, he just lays there with his hands over his face.

I go next to him. "If you ever call me your girl and Ellie your child again, you'll be like this everyday! you got it?"

We leave because it's too much for one night, the place where Alex and I should be is with Ellie. At home, we're just laying down with Ellie and all I can think about is tonight. Vince actually claimed Ellie and I, while Peyton was standing right next to him. Alex the guy who made me whole again loves me for me. Everyone likes him more than Vince. I'm confused I love Alex but Vince, what he said tonight, I can't get out of my head. Alex and Ellie are sleeping quietly so I text Vince to meet us at our corner. I wait outside until he pulls up, he roles down his window so I can talk to him.

"You texted me, I'm here." He says harshly.

"Um, well did you mean what you said tonight?" I ask nervously.

"Nah i didn't, I said it cause I don't like him. I like Peyton alot. Sorry to break it to you but I ain't sorry." He says and speads off.

I feel stupid now. Everything I was thinking was stupid, I'm a stupid bitch. I walk back to my house, up the stairs to find Alex wide awake. Guilt hits me.

"Where did you go?" He asks.

"I just went to get some air that's it. You know how much I love how you care for Ellie and I?"

I lay back in bed with him, I want him so bad and I hope he knows that. He pulls me close, it feels nice.

"You know I'll be here for you guys but if we're going to be together,we have to only want eachother." He says.

"Alex I only want you, I promise."

We fall asleep, happily in love.


I really can't believe it's already Ellies first birthday and Alex and I's 8th month of being together! Time has gone by so fast. I haven't heard from Vincee since that night at the club. He switched out of my class after mine and Alex's 4th month of dating. Today we're having a small bash just for me alex and our family at my house. I want Alex so bad it's crazy but I feel like something is wrong. When were finally alone I can finally talk to him about it.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"I feel like you don't want me, I feel you want to go back with Vince."

I start crying, it's not true! I love alex and i would do anything for him

"What are you talking about, I WANT YOU AND ONLY YOU!" I say through my tears.

He pulls me close. "I'm sorry for doubting you mamacita, ILoveYou."

"ILoveYou too." I say.

Aftter a long day I put Ellie down for her nap. I'm so tired but as soon as I sit down, my mom calls me down stairs. I walk down the stairs and I see his face,Vince... Why is he here? He's been M.I.A for a long time.

"This is for Ellie." He says.

"Okay." I say.

After he leaves, I open her present and it's and outfit. I don't want anything from him, he's been a dick to her, her whole life. I'm so done with his shit.

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