Chapter 6

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The weekend passes and it was amazing with my love. Now its Monday, walking away my car Vanessa calls me. I didn't think she would want to talk to me after this weekend, I'm nervous to talk to her.

"Can we talk about Friday?" She asks.

"Sure,whats up?"

"I've tried to call you all weekend, why haven't you called me back? You usually call me back but ever since the fight, You haven't been the same. Do I even exist to you anymore?" She asks kind of confused.

I dont know what to really say to her because I haven't been thinking about the situation.

"Vee I still think your here, I just wanted to give you space since I said stuff too. Vince is my boyfriend, my love, my... f... fiance."

"I know what your going through... I once had that but it went away a long time ago. Do you know anyone that likes me?" She asks.

I have Vanessa as my friend and it's cool. I will help her get a boyfriend because it will get Shelley pissed off. I see Ryan and he's walking towards me, I hear him call my name. Damnit what's with people wanting to talk to me today.

"Can I apologize for what happen the other day?" He asks.


"I didn't cheat on you a girl came up to me to make it look like I did, so you would break up with me. so she could have me." He says.

"Okay... um thanks, I have to go...."

I'm confused now, he didnt cheat on me. A girl made it look like it but i have Vince back shouldn't I be happy? But wait I had sex with him.. unprotected sex! and with Vince! fuck!

"Wait Ryan."

"Whats up?" He asks.

"Did we use a condom when we had sex?" I asked scared to know the answer.

"Nah why?"

"I was just wondering."

I see it's all over now, but I have to tell Vince! When I see him next I have to tell him ASAP!

"I don't know how to say this but when you were going out with ashley I had sex with Ryan and it was unprotected.." I say.

He's just staring at me, fuck it's over. I know it.

"Natalie are you fucking kidding me! We weren't together 4 months and you had sex with another guy! If you get pregnant you're pregnant with my baby too. It would be mostly his, just so you know, you know what!" He pauses.

I think to myself, I do love him and if over then what am I going to do. I start to cry and he sees that I'm hurting on the inside, he just hugs me.

"I'm sorry for screaming it just makes me mad that it'll be his more than mine if you get pregnant . But i love you don't doubt that, it will be ours. We won't tell Ryan because we're together just like Bella and Edward, we'll always be together." He says.

In his arms I feel better. "Yes babe." I say happily.

He knows I love him but I will always have a thought in my head that maybe one day there will be someone else. After school I go buy a pregnancy test, just to check. I go home to take it and there it is I'm pregnant. again. I call Vince to tell him and he's happy. I start to think of names in my head.

Girls: Ellie,Isabella,Brooke,Rose,Cheyenne,Annie,Clara.

Boys: Lucus,Nathan,Sam,Eli,Skylar,Kyle,Jake.

In my first class there's a new girl sitting next to me,I'm going to be nice to her because I know how it feels.

"Hi my name Is Natalie."

"I'm Destiny, Im new here."

Ryan is totally awing over her.

"Destiny this is Ryan, Ryan Destiny." I introduce them to eachother.

And just like that they hit it off, it makes me think about the first time I met Vince.

"Hey Destiny, you want to chill at snack?" I ask.

"Yeah that would be cool." She says smiling.

"Aye! I get her at lunch!" Ryan chims in.

We all start laughing, I have a couple of periods with her, so I can get to know her abit. snack comes along and I introduce her to Vince so we're all cool. When it's lunch I meet Vince and I see Destiny and Ryan in a deep convo. That's a good thing! I have class with her after this so I'll get full detail. She tells me Ryan asked her out on a date, I'm happy for her Ryan is a nice guy.

**2 months later**

It's been 3 months of my pregnancy and I get to see the ultra sound of my baby. Vince comes with me, everything is going so well. We're so happy about it. if it's a girl, her name will name Ellie Brooke Vargas and if it's a boy, his name will be Skylar Vargas.

The next day at school I tell Destiny, she's happy for me. The last couple of months Vince,Destiny,Ryan and I have been hanging out, i haven't talked to Vanessa... Oh well. Tonight the 4 us have a double date, I'm excited. I have great friends, perfect boyfriend, and a baby on the way. You only have one life so you have to live it up while your still alive.

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