Chapter 5

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"What did you just say to us?" Shelly says pissed as fuck.

Did she really just ask me that? Is she retarded?

"You heard me. If it wasn't for me Shelley you wouldn't be popular. Everyone really doesn't like you, they like Vee. If you weren't with her all the time she's probably have a boyfriend but no you have to keep her from that oppertunity." I say harshly.

Everything I've ever wanted to say to Shelley is coming out now and theres no going back. Even I don't like her that much, she talks to much shit about everyone even about Vee. She doesnt know but i hear it from everyone. She's pissed i can see it on her face but whatever the case may be I'm not that nice nor did I ever claim to be. Niceness gets you no where becuase if you too nice people take advantage of you.

Shelley is calling me a whore and slut but it doesn't faze me becuase I had sex with my boyfriend of a year. She's pushing my last button,she's going to make me say it. If she wants to go far, I'll go further.

"You know Vee your so called best friend Shelley has been talking so much shit about you to everyone in school? She says the reason you don't have a boyfriend is because your ugly and that you're lesbian" I say it harshly so she can feel the pain.

Vanessa's face is pissed and you can see she's confused. Shelley has pitty written all over her face and shes pissed because I said the truth.

"Is that true Shelley your telling everyone im lesbian?" She asks in confusion.

We can tell Shelley is thinking of a lie because she takes forever to answer.

"Who are you going to believe me or her!?" Shelley asks.

"Answer the fucking question Shelley. Did you or did you not!"

Vanessa is pissed and you dont fuck with her when she's pissed. Shelley swallows hard and takes a deep breath.

"Yes, because I don't want to lose you to a boy then leave me because your in love just like Natalie did."

Vanessa looks at us like she never knew us.

"If I got a boyfriend you should be happy for me either way, I'm sorry Nat. Shelley what you didn't want happening well it's happening now. I want you to leave me alone and never talk to me. Nat call Vince to pick you up, I need time to think."

I have Vanessa still as my friend which is cool but Shelley lost both friends. That's what she gets for talking shit. I call Vince to pick me up and hes confused, I told him what happen and he's even shocked. We get back to his house and we watch alittle tv while he makes us dinner. After dinner, we head up to his room but when we get there he makes me wait outside before I can go in. Hes finally done, and he makes me close my eye before we go in. He takes his hands off my eyes and the room is decorated in candles and roses. On the bed there is a little box.

"What's this?" I ask.

He looks looks me in the eyes and goes down on one knee.

"Natalie Rose I love you,will you marry me?"

I'm in total shock. "Yes, a million times yes!"

I'm so happy all i can do is smile. We're going to be a happy couple, the best couple in the world. I love him and he loves me, it's the best feeling in the world. The people who don't like us together better deal with it because we're going to be together forever. As we lay in bed cuddling, we slowley fall asleep together deeply in love and i wouldn't have it any other way.

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