Love at first sight

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Chapter 1:

My name is Natalie rose and I'm a huge city girl. I go to New York high school, I have a reputation of being the girly girl/the sluttiest but it's never really bothered me. In school I'm the popular girl, I don't know how I got the title but I am. The most Important person in my life is my boyfriend Vince, he's my everything. He's hot,sweet,nice,funny,and truly the best guy in the whole school. We've been going out for a year and I couldn't see myself with anyone else. I'm a typical blonde chick and probably the dumbest person you will ever meet. I have two best friends, Shelley and Vanessa. Every guy loves us. If it wasn't for the 3 of them I'd be a hardcore druggy because my home life isn't what everyone thinks it is. Now that you know alittle about me let me tell you a story that turned my somewhat simple life to the darkest days of my life.
It all started on May 14,2008, I would consider it the 2nd best day of my life. It was my 17th birthday, my parents bought me what every girl would love. Buying me expensive things is how my parents show they love me, but in reality I'd rather have a birthday hug. By the time I was ready for school my parents were already gone... Typical. I got to school looking cute as hell. Since it was my birthday I didn't go to any of my classes. At lunch every one said "happy birthday" and some even gave me presents. I sat down and someone came up behind me and hugged me.
"Happy birthday babe."
It's Vince, I'm so happy to see him. When he sits down he kisses me.
"Do you want to go on a birthday date tonight?" he asks.
"Yes! I would love to!"
"Great,I'll pick you up at 8." He says.
He leaves and I eat wit my girls until the warning bell rings to go to class. As I'm bored in my last class of the day,I just think to myself,it's Friday night I can stay out till whenever I want. I'm excited to see what my boo has planned for me tonight. I wonder if Shelley can go shopping, I text her And she says she can't because of family things. I wish my family did things with me especially on my birthday. I text Vanessa and she can go with me so it'll be okay. When the bell rings we rush to my car to get to the mall. my parents gave me money so I can buy a lot but all I really need is a dress and heels. I found a perfect purple dress, it's perfect because that's Vince's favorite color. I go home to get ready and my parents are home, all my mom asks me is how my day went. That's five more words than usual. I take alittle nap well was supposed to be a little one but ended up being 3 hours, it's so close to me having to be ready! So I hurry to get ready and I'm done by 730. It's finally 8:00, as I open the door he walks up with a dozen roses, and damn he looks bomb! When I'm near him I get massive butterflies and I forget about all my problems. When were on the way to my surprise we talk about the old times and the little things we love about eachother. when we pull up to the place I recognized that were at my favorite restaurant Olive Garden. At dinner he tells me things he's always thought of me, and it's weird for him to tell me this now instead of in the beginning of when we got together. We've been together so long and he hasn't told me he loves me yet.. After dinner is a movie and of course he picks the scary one.
"Babe are you crazy! I'm terrified of scary movies!" I say
"Natalie you have me to hold on to its okay."

I hold on to him so tight because I'm terrifed out of my mind. All of a sudden we start making out, then damn the movie is over! It's time for my present now, I wonder what its going to be. He's taking me to his house and im scared because his parents are away. As we open the door to his house, the lights go on and everywhere i look there are pink decorations and everyone from school.

"SUPRISE!" everyone screams.

"OHMYGOD! Thank you so much!" i say.

I never expected this,it's so amazing but i wish my parents would have done something like this for me. When I walk by everyone, they tell me happy birthday, Vince pulls me to slow dance and as we move to the music he whispers in my ear.

"Do you want your present now?"

I nod but I'm nervous as hell! Does this mean he's serious about us and wants to do something more? Vince tells everyone to leave, finally we're alone! We head up to his room and it's decorated with lighted candles and roses. Out of nowhere he pulls out a tiny box then hands it to me to open. I want to open it but all I can think is he is the one i love and everything but i don't know. Acouple minutes pass and im still thinking to myself just staring at the box.

"What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to open it?" He asks.

"I was just thinking about something." i says.

I open the box, something starts to shimmer. Is's a diamond necklace! OH MY GOD!

"What?Why?" i ask him, wondering why i deserved such a beautiful necklace. I'm so shocked, it's so beutiful..

"here let me put it on you." he says.

After he puts it on me, he looks at me and smiles.

"Look under the bottom of the holder of the necklace." he suggest.

When I lift it I see a note, I don't think I've ever been so scared to read a note.

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