10. Corey VS Andrew

Start from the beginning

Sky sat on the empty chair when we got to them, leaving me stuck sitting between Drew and Matt.

"Fancy seeing you here." Matt said in an english accent as I flopped down beside him.

I rolled my eyes at his goofiness.

"Hey Corey." Drew said quietly so only I could hear.

"Andrew." I shot back, again quiet enough so only he could hear.

"Don't call me that." He mumbled.

"Don't call me Corey." I retorted, giving him a little smirk, we both knew I just won that. He wouldn't call me Corey again.

After that little exchange I tuned back in to my surroundings and learnt that Sky had a secret boyfriend back home, Jess and Cody were going on a date over the Christmas break, and Matt's arm was resting across my shoulders. I didn't really care that his arm was around me, we were best friends so it wasn't a big deal. Right?

"Hey so wanna go training after school tomorrow?" Matt asked, turning to face me.

"Training?" What was he talking about.

He dramatically gasped in shock and put a hand over his heart, "You wound me. Don't you remember? I'm coach Matty!"

Oh, right. "Oh course I remember! And sure, we can train after school." I told him, giving him an apologetic smile afterwards.

"This should be good." Drew said under his breath, and I gave him my scariest glare in return. I wasn't unfit to the point where it was embarrassing.

"Hey Matt, can I tag along for your coaching?" Drew asked, obviously not phased by the death stare I gave him.

"Uh sure, I guess." Matt replied, shooting a confused look Drew's way.

Drew replied it to with a shrug.

Why was Matt confused about one of his best friends wanting to hang out with him? I mean sure Drew and I didn't like each other but the three of us had fun playing football, so Matt didnt have a reason to be confused.

"If you think any harder your head is going to explode." Drew suddenly whispered, his mouth just inches from my ear, scaring the living daylights out of me.

A shiver of disgust ran down my spine as I felt his breath on me for just a second before he moved his face away.

I never wanted to be that close to him again.

"Hello? Cora? Are you listening?" Jess called, snapping me back to reality.

"Oh sorry, what?" I muttered sheepishly. I had absolutely no idea what we were talking about thanks to the demon beside me.

"What are you doing over the winter break?" She asked.

"I'm going home I think." I replied hesitantly. I didn't have a way of getting home, and no one would be at my house, but I need answers.

"Oh cool, you're visiting your aunt, right?" Sky asked, causing me to freeze for a second.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in a long time." I lied for the hundredth time this weekend. I hated lying to everyone but I just couldn't talk about what happened, and the best way to avoid that was to not say anything about it.

After that the conversation changed and I zoned out again. But that didn't last long because I felt the curious stare of Drew burning a hole in the side of my head.

"What?" I snapped as I turned to look at him.

"Why did you lie?" He asked quietly. Even though he was a jerk he was smart enough to make sure no one overheard him say that.

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