Briam (+) ~ Group Chat [part 2/3]

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This is the second/third part of Briam (+) ~ Group Chat, since the Sterek part was just after Scott left the chat. This is the day after, what happens, when the whole pack meets Brett, Liam's new boyfriend.

And it was also requested by 

Sorry for any  grammar mistakes.

"Are they going to stop staring at me like that?" The tall boy asks.

"Probably not. You better get used to it.." The smaller, blue eyed werewolf says, moving slightly closer to him.

"Liam! Move, the other way." The sheriff's son says, glaring at the younger of the pack.

"But, Stiles." Liam pouts. "Why do you guys have the right to, but not me..?" He points at Scott and Isaac's head resting on his shoulder, and then back at Stiles. "Dude. You can't keep your eyes off of Derek when they're not darting Brett. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who smells him all over you. You reek of him."

"No, I don't." He sniffs his shoulder and his clothes. "Do I?" He then looks back at Derek, sitting on the couch across from him.

"Kind of." The older werewolf smirks.

"BOYS! We're here for Brett. Not Stiles' sexual life." Scott brings everyone back from the intense glare between the werewolf and the hyperactive human.

"Why are we even on his case?" Lydia asks, standing up and leaving through the kitchen door, then comes back with water and chips.

"He's done nothing wrong, and you both know it." All the eyes followed her fingers, pointing in Stiles and Scott's directions. The first of them still sniffing his shirt and looking angrily at Derek.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Stiles we don't care. We all knew you two would have sex one day, sooner or later."

"How? What?" He asked, seriously not done with this whole situation.

"There was way too much unresolved sexual tension between you two." Liam says, ignoring the glare from his older hyperactive friend.

"Language, young man!"

"I'm not young. I'm turning sixteen in a few months!"

"I just want to say, I'm not here to harm, kidnap or whatever else you can think of, Liam. I really like him and I'm not taking any kind of advantage on him. I came today because he wanted me to, and I do what makes him happy. I really want your approvals. I'm not asking for his hand, I just wanna take him out on a date." Brett, who was carefully listening to the conversation, finally said.

One after one, they all gave their yes's but Stiles was still not fine with the idea of letting their little protégé go out with an older boy, who they don't know a lot about. But he eventually had to get with everyone and said yes.

Conversations were flooding from a way and another and Stiles took the moment to go chat with Liam's date.

"If I even get you cheating, hurting, taking advantage or whatever else can come on your young and dirty little mind, I'll kill you with my own hands. I'm not a werewolf, but I had blood on my hands once, and I'm ready to go down for Liam. Understood?" He cracked his knuckles, and it hurted like hell, but he didn't show it. Gotta look tough and stronger. Even if he's a little fluffy penguin in the interior.

"Yeah. Totally."The boy said, nervously patting the back of his neck and walking away to Liam. "He's scaring the living shit out of me."

"Stiles? Yeah. He's really protective, has and always will be. For them, I'm a little baby, but I'm not a baby."

"Well.. You're mine too." They smiled at each other and their bodies just leaned on.

"NOPE!" Stiles ran to them and separated the 'almost' kiss. "Not under my roof." He said, looking sternly at both of the boys.

"Oh my god."

Well, well, well. This is the end. I think it's really funny that the first one I wrote wasn't even supposed to be published. I wrote it a night, months ago and I just recently thought about giving it to you guys. I really hope you liked it and leave a comment or a vote, or both. I'm probably going to write a lot this week, we have an off week at school, and Netflix and Wattpad are my only friends... So a lot of updates this week.

Teen Wolf One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora