Sterek ~ Flight

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I am, honestly, so so sorry for the late update. I know it's been more than a month, since I posted, but I didn't have any ideas. I know it's small, but here's something that came to me in class, so I had to write it.

"Passengers in departure for Tokyo, plane D2, you are asked to board the plane." I look down at my ticket, it's my plane. I take a quick look back at the entry; bye Beacon Hills, bye my friends, bye Derek...

I start walking towards the line, who's slowly getting smaller.

"Sir, you can't pass!!" I hear one of the assistant call a customer, that probably didn't upgraded his passport and is stuck here. "I don't care." Derek?

In seconds I'm looking in his way, at least than 15 feet. Why is he here? Why is my ex-fiancé here?

He's all sweaty, still in his sweatpants and looks really tired.

"Stiles...-" He walks closer.

"Derek, please go away." I plead as everyone in the line is now watching us.

"Why won't you believe me! I never slept with her. It's one of the Twin's plans. They know you're my anchor, and my weakness. They don't care about anything else but power."

We're starting to get weird looks from people who doesn't understand what he's talking about.

"I... I don't know who to believe anymore, I don't think I can still do this." I look down at my shoes and luggages.

"I'm leaving. Please, if you love me, let me go."(This is gospel)

"I can't." He says, walking closer. "Why not? You've did it before."

"I shouldn't have. It was a mistake. You know I love you, you're the first person I wanna see in the morning, and the last one when I fall asleep. You're the one with who I want a family, a dog, everything. I want you to stay with me beyond our kids weddings, our kid's kids graduation. I want us to live happy, joyful, everything you could think of. I want you, I want everything you are, even if you talk to much, and that you steal my hoodies, I want you and your everything." Tears were now falling from my eyes.

"Stiles, I love you, so please, come back home with me, and just talk-" I didn't wait and ran in his arms, and kissed him.

All the thoughts that he could have cheated on me faded away. When I came back to reality, everyone was clapping their hands, and cheering.

I love him.

Picture took from @Weyheytheirgay from Instagram.

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