Sciam ~ Am I Your Type?

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Sorry I it's been like an entire month since I last posted...


"So, kiddo. How many days have you been here, for?" Sherif asks the boy.

"3, sir." The blue eyed boy responds harshly, to the man.

"You've been here for 3 days, and you're already in trouble?" The man turns around, looking at the backseat, as they stop at a red light.


"What's your name?" He looks closely at the boy, with the baby face and deep eyes.

"Liam. Liam Dunbar." It's not like he was going to lie about his identity, he already has to tell his mom he got arrested.

"How old are you?" The kid isn't older than 14, the older thought.

"17, sir." He probably won't believe me, the boy thought.

"Wow, you look younger than that. Which school are you going to go to?" They weren't even close to the station, he should get the kid on his good side. Talking calmly and listening, the best recipe to get a teen to talk to you.

"Beacon Hills High School. At the intersection of the supermarket and the library."

"I know where it is, my son goes there."

"Cool." The boy sounded more sarcastic than the Sherif's son could ever be.

Sherif Stilinski's POV

He's pretty cute. Oh, no. Not for me, you kinky motherfootballers. For Scott. Wasn't Scott looking for a new boyfriend since Isaac moved to France a couple of months ago? Yes. He was always telling everyone that he needed a boyfriend. It was either annoying or cute.

"You're pretty cute." I say out loud, not really waiting for the boy to say anything back.

"Yeah, but not for your kinky ass." Liam snaps back.

"Oh, no. Not for me. I'm into women, not... Fake bad boys."

"I'm not a fake bad boy."

"What are you?"

"The person that was at the wrong place, at the wrong time." He crosses his arms and waits for the car ride to end.

I look at the road and see that there's like half an hour long of traffic waiting for us. That's it. I'm calling Scott.

Phone call : SS (Sherif). SM (Scott)

SM : Sherif?
SS : Hey, Scott.

"Who the fuck are you talking to?" The boy in the backseat asks.

SM : Hey, what can I do for you?
SS : You said you were looking for a boyfriend, weren't you?
SM : Uhm, yes. Why?
SS : I've got a young boy, in my backseat. I just arrested him because he was doing some graffiti on a wall in the far south of Beacon Hills. But I'm pretty he could be your type...
SM : It's really kind of you, Sherif. But I don't date criminals.
SS : Oh, no. This kid is innocent. I'm just taking him to the station to fill a couple of question. He was on the 'crime' scene, but it's not him.

"What! You knew I was innocent and you still cuffed me?" The kid talks a little louder, this time.

SM : Okay. Is he cute?

"Are you cute?" I turn to the boy.

"I don't know. Am I? You just told me I was cute, like 2 minutes ago." The boy says back.

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