Stackson ~ Everything's better when we're together

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Well hello there. This is a Stackson one-shot. I never really shipped those two together, but as I was writing the story I kind of saw why people ship them and I just think they would have a really cute relation. Friends or more. This was requested by delishalubin11 , I hope it's what you wanted.


Walking around the corner, he finally made it out of the crowded airport. He took a big breath of the hot air of Beacon Hills. It's been almost two years, and he missed this place. Way more than he could ever admit.

He finally got himself a taxi and told him the address, leading them to a particular house. Things hadn't changed for a bit around here. The high school on the left, with students coming in and out, the library on the other side of the street still hasn't been renovated.

When they made it to the house, he payed the driver and took his bags out. Putting his backpack on his shoulders and his Nike duffle bag beside him. The car drove away, and he stayed a few seconds taking in the image he has in front of him. He hasn't been in this house since years and he never thought he would come back.

He knew the boy living in this house would be there. He learned from a source that he hadn't been going school for months. He walked the couple of feet separating him from the door. He knocked on the brown wood door and waited for an answer.

"Can I hel- Jackson?!?" The door opened to the red eyed and sleepy freckled teen, he wanted to see.

"Hey, Stiles." He shyly smiled and waited for a reaction from his sarcastic companion.

"What?!? What are you doing here? I thought you were in London. When did you get here? Come on. Come in." He invited him in and closed the door behind them.

"I don't really have a reason for coming back, I just missed this place." He said, gesturing around the room. "I arrived like thirty minutes ago. My flight was really long. But it's good to be back." He smiled at the hyperactive teen, but he only received a glare.

"What do you mean you missed this place? You decided to leave. We never told you to leave. You left us." Stiles said, his voice cracking a little at the end, even if he didn't want it to.

"I know. I'm sorry I was an asshole before. I only thought of my own good and it never came to me that I would miss you.. all." They were never close, but there was always that little flame in the back of their minds, just waiting to be light up. That was the spark that made the fire burn.

"You missed me..?" Stiles asked, sitting on the couch.

Jackson made his way to the place beside him and sat there.

"Everyday. Always.. did you?"

"Yeah.. I thought you were never going to come back." Tears streamed down his blushing cheeks.

Jackson took his friend in his arms and they stayed like that for they don't know how long. Time didn't matter anymore, all that did was that they were reunited. If Jackson had been a jackass before, he was here to make it change. He was here to be nice and finally have the heart of the person he always loved. That person was at the moment in his arms and he couldn't keep his eyes off of him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and Stiles looked up at him.

"Not really, but now that you're here, I'm fine." The boy said, but a cough caught him and he ran away in the bathroom.

"Stiles?! What's wrong?" Jackson started getting anxious.

"Nothing. It's.. nothing." What he really meant to say to Jackson was that since he left, it had started going down. Deaton explained it as a lost, but didn't say what kind of lost. Stiles lost a lot of people in his short life, and nothing ever happened like that.

"You can't hide it from me, Stiles. I just wanna help.." He hugged the boy from behind and they looked at each other in the mirror in front of them.

Tears were forming in the smaller teen's eyes and he couldn't stop them from falling.

"It started when you left. We were all hit our own ways. Scott was talking less to some of us, Lydia was a crying mess and I started having more and more panic attacks. In the middle of diner, while watching a movie, even in class. Everywhere I would go I'd start getting anxious for nothing and feel extremely sick. Few weeks later, everyone was taking back forces, but I was going even further down. I got diagnosed with major depression, anorexia, insomnia and social phobia.. I couldn't even walk out in the streets that I would freak out." Both of Jackson's hands were laying carefully on Stiles' waist.

"After a year, I was still going to school, but only in the mornings.. I sleep about two hours a night.. sometimes it's three for a week. For the complete week, only three hours. So my dad told the school about my 'problems' and they made me a special agenda. School in the morning, a nap after I had lunch at home and then a teacher comes in the afternoon. It was hard on the beginning, but after a couple of months I got used to it. Now.. My condition got worse and I stopped going to school. I started spitting blood two weeks ago, but my eyes are that red since I don't remember how many months. My dad says it's probably the lack of sleep.. I still can't explain why it happens.. Scott said he had his own idea, but didn't want me to know. He scares me more than helps me.." He ended and they stopped talking for a while.

"Come with me." He told his guest.

They walked to Stiles' bedroom and he laid on his queen sized bed. Jackson sat beside his head and started playing in his hair.

"I have my own idea of what could be the reason." Jackson said, looking in his friend's glassy hazel eyes.

"What is it?"

"I met an alpha in London. His mate died because they've been separated for 5 months. His mate died while vomiting his heart out, spitting blood everywhere and when the air stopped going to his lungs, he just fell cold on the floor. He told me a mate bond would create a unique effect on both of the mates. Everyone's effect is different, one could be fine, or not, one could be dying, or not, one could be missing the other, and so does the other." Stiles' head was now laying on Jackson's lap, and their eyes were locked while he told him his story.

"Mates..? Are we.."

"Yeah. That's why I came back. I came back for you. I should have came sooner, but I wasn't ready to admit to myself that you were the hyperactive of my life. My other part, my missing piece. But you are and I should of never doubted that. I love you and.."

"I love you too." Stiles couldn't hold in the smile on his lips and he wanted only one thing at the moment.

"Can I kiss you?" Jackson asked straight when he looked at his mate's pink lips.

"Totally." And they kissed. The kiss was smooth, calm but sweet. They stopped, letting Jackson lay down next to the other boy. He placed his arm around his mate's waist and brought him closer, capturing his lips in a quick move. This time was a little faster, tongues were out and hands were moving.

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long. I should have never left." Jackson apologized for the hundredths time when they parted lips.

"It's fine, now. We're together and I'm not letting you go for a long time." They laughed and just laid face to face.

Stiles' eyes seemed less red than they were sooner. The bags under his eyes were still there, but the pink shade on his cheeks covered them.

Life seemed to be brighter. Now that they were together, everything seemed better.

I hope you liked it! If you did, leave a comment and vote! Sorry for any grammar mistakes

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