
All five boys of one direction entered the Modest! Management headquarters with poker faces. A tall woman wearing a dress suite lead them to Richard's office.

"Boys, take a seat." Richard rasped.

The five of them sat in separate chairs that were positioned in front of the man's desk.

"Scotch, anyone?" Richard chuckled dryly. The boys declined, it was nearly noon and they hadn't even eaten breakfast yet.

"Do you know why I called you in boys?"

They all nodded a fewof them gulped in fear of what he'd say next.

"I'm sure you've all seen the video." Liam raised is eyebrows as if to say 'What Video?'

Richard gestured towards the flat screen television beside them. The screen showed footage of the interview. It was a remix of Sally yanking on Niall's arm and having him break into tears. Then the footage of Zayn yelling at her was made into a sort of jingle.

"Get your gr-gr-grimy hands off him y-y-you b-b-b-b-bitch!" Zayn's voice rang through their ears. What do their fans do on their free time? The fact that they put time into making a song out of this was outrageous.

The video stopped and Richard played another one, this one was a video posted by E! News.

"British boy band's Niall Horan, caught in the act?"

"During an interview on the Adam & Sally show, One Direction's Niall let us sneak a peak at his usually milky white skin. Although, all we saw were marks from obvious self harm. Nobody knows why the teen pop star would do such a thing but it's rumored that the night before had been a rough one for the Irish lad."

"Fans had apparently been shouting hateful comments at him during their concert. That wasn't much of a surprise, the real shocker was none other than Zayn Malik's reaction towards Sally West's little stunt. Here's the footage of Zayn's outraged reaction." The screen flashed to the interview.

"Get your grimy hands off him, you bitch!" Zayn yelled through the speakers.

"You go Zayn! All in all, Niall should learn to hide his personal life better. Soon numbers will drop because of him. He needs to be less selfish. This is only dragging the other boys down with him. Who needs an Irish lad in a British boy band anyways?" The woman on the screen laughed.

"Please turn it off sir." Liam pleaded to Richard. The cruel man let the video play. The woman continued laughing at Niall for the camera. Niall began crying.

"Turn the damn video off!" Zayn shouted. Richard may have been a man of high power in their company but Zayn was much more intimidating. Richard fumbled for the remote, turning the video off.

Richard cleared his throat. "As I was saying, Niall you will be sent to a therapist twice a week. I expect that one of you boys will always be with him. He is not to wonder off on his own from this point forward."

"You two have caused us all quite a lot of trouble with your stunt yesterday. It's bad for the money, we can't have your personal lives inter fearing with your career. I realize that your hormones are raging and all that crap but we can't have you acting on it in front of the camera." Richard said to Niall and Zayn.

"We aren't in a relationship." Zayn muttered.

"Very well, Harry Magee and I have agreed to let this love fest to go on as long as it stays behind closed doors." Richard patted down his suite.

"As well as you and Harry." Richard stared directly at Louis.

"I may be old but I'm not blind. You may now leave boys." Richard gestured towards the door. All the boys left looking dumbstruck.

They decided on going to a café for brunch, signing autographs for the fans who walked up to them.

A girl stood at the register, a brunette with chocolate eyes and a large nose. She smiled at the boys as they each ordered one at a time.

"Hi, I'd like a breakfast sandwich wi-" Louis began as he was first in line.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" the girl questioned.

"Uh," he glanced at the boys. "Well I'm in a band called one direction."

The girl shook her head. "That's definitely not it."

"Can I order?" Louis rolled his eyes growing annoyed, he was hungry since he hadn't eaten at all the whole morning.

"I'd know that sass anywhere! Louis?" The girl grinned.

"Do you want an autograph or something?" Louis raised an eyebrow at the strange girl.

"Louis, it's me Eleanor." she smiled.

Published: February 9, 2014

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