I met Jake

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Hi everyone! That first chapter was just Maddy talking about her life and new school. So this will pretty much be chapter 1 .

"Okay class, settle down, i know it's the first day and you want to talk to your friends but that can wait." Mr. Smut sounded terribly boring as he said that.

"It looks as if we have a new student with us today. Whats your name younge lady?" Mr.Smut asked.

"M-me?" I said quietly

"Yes you, would you like to come up here and tell us who your are?" Smut said making me tired

"Um sure, yea i guess." I said while standing up and walking to the front of the class room.

"Hi everyone...im Maddy, im originaly from Arizona." I said while looking around the room.

"Hey beautiful!" A few guys said

"Any thing else?" Mr.Smut asked giving me a weird look.

"Well no, unless anyone wants to ask me something.." I stated

"Maddy are you single!?" A decent looking guy asked from the back of the class room, some what loudly.

"Um yea?" I said in confusement.

"Dont mind him Miss. Walsh, he is one of the bad students." Smut said in a joking tone.

" I aint bad! I think im the best guy here!" Random kid said

"I dont even know what your like so i cant have my own opinion about you." I laughed

"Ok Miss. Walsh, you can take your seat now." Smut said while pointing to my seat.

"Thanks." I replied as i walked over to my seat, where i found a note on the desk.

I picked it up and looked around as i sat down. I opened it up and it read, ' you seem like a wonderful girl. Wanna chill later? oh and btw, im jake.'

I looked over the the guy who asked me if im single and pointed to the note with a confused look on my face. He smiled and said no, pointing over to a hot looking guy across the room. Then the bell rang, so i grabbed my bag and got up. When i got into the hall i herd my name get called.

"Maddy, hey maddy!" I herd someone say from behind me.

"Huh what?" I said turning around, it was that jake person.

"So do you wanna chill later?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh um i dont know, it would be nice to get to know you though!" I said smiling

"Well then text me later, heres my number." He said while handing me a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Oh ok, i'll text you later then..." I said while slowly walking away.

The rest of the day was pretty much a blurr. Finally the bell to leave rang and i started walking home.

"Hey honey, how was your first day?" My mom asked

"It was ok i guess." I said while sitting down.

"Did you make any new friends?" She asked

"Um kinda, i guess his name is jake." I said with a im a tab bit confused look on my face

"Oh! Is he cute? My mom joked

"Yea he is! And he gave me his number, so im going to go up stairs and text him." I said while leaving the room.

'Ok! Have fun." My mom replied

I pretty much ran up the steps to my room. When i got there i took my phone out of my pocket and put his number in my phone and texted him.

"Hey this is maddy."

"Hey maddy, how was your first day here at rockwell?" He texted back saying

"It was ok i guess, the teachers are pretty boring here." I texted back.

"Yea thats true, some days they can be cool the rest they just bore you to death haha"

"Lol yea, i think all teachers are like that though..."

"Probably, hey do you think we can hang out? We can meet somewhere." Jake texted

"Um sure, where at?" I asked

"How about the park, do you know where it is?" He asked

"Yea, i'll be there in like 10 minutes i guess." I wrote back

"Ok see you there" Jake texted back.

I fixed my hair real fast and ran down stairs.

"Mom, im going to meet that jake person at the park i'll be back later" I said

"OK, dont be too late, im making your favorate dinner."She said back

"OK, bye" I replied while closing the door behind me.

~~~~~13 minutes later~~~~~~

"Hey jake." I said while walking towards him.

"Hey maddy!" He said happily

"What do you want to do?" I asked

"I have something on my mind." Jake said with a slight creepy smile on his face

"Woahhh...therrree jake.." I replied slowly

"Not that! I want to get to know you!" He said

"O-oh, well what do you want to know about me?" I asked

"Well whats your favorite color?" He asked.

"Purple, what about you?" I asked back

"Navy blue." Jake said " favorite thing to do?" He asked

"Play basketball." I replied.

"Hmm, you do seem like the type of chick who plays bball haha." He said laughing

"Haha what about you?" I asked laughing

"Um same i guess." Jake said in a thinking type of way.

"Cool.." I simply said "Anything else?" I asked

"Um no, nothing else right now." He said while looking at me.

"Soooo, now what..." I said after a while.

" I dont now hah" He said with a smirk on his face

"Oh hey, i gotta go my mom just texted me saying she wants me home.'I said while getting up.

Oh, ok, do you want me to walk you home?" He asked as he got up.

"Um no thats ok, i'll see you tomorrow, bye!" I said while walking away.

~~Maddys P.O.V~~

Wow, i cant believe he actually believed that! I didnt really want to go, but it was just awkward being with him, he is so hot and im new here so i just want to relax before i get a boyfriend, i can tell he deffinitly likes me.  He seems like the guy who will make things happen really fast and stuff, so im gunna watch out about that.

Hey guys, sorry about the chapter being really short, i couldnt think of anything else to add, but i hope you like it so far!



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