Smashing Party

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Hey guys to i've come to the conclusion that i wil be uploading every friday and or saturday.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far and i am not the est at making chapters long so sorry about that. Enjoyyy going to make this a 2-part chapter.

Chapter 4( i think):

Now that i know Jake is a player, i will play him back in any way possible.

"Hi beautiful" I herd behind me while i was putting books away in my locker.

"Hmm i wonder who this handsome sounding guy behind me is!" I teased

"well why dont you turn around doll face?" Asked mysterious guy.

"Oh now i know who it is...jake!" I said while turning around.

"How'd you know?" He asked in amusment.

"Well for starters your the only one who calls me doll face." I said in a flirting tone

"Ha-ha yea true" Jake chuckled.

"So why are you at my locker?" I asked

"Well i wanted to invite you to the Smashing party this weekend. I herd it's going to be the best one all year!" He said

"Oh yea? Why's that." I asked in delight

"Well, a pretty friend lady of mine will be there!" He said with a smirk on his face

"Is this pretty friend lady happen to be me?" I asked already knowing the answer

"Maybe, but you would have to let me know if you are goin for me to tell you." He tryed to convince

"Alright, i go! There better be drinks there though."  I replied before walking off, adding a little hip to my walk to get him worked up.


~Beep Beep~

I herd my phone go off as i was walking home. It was a text from jake.

'We should hang out for a little bit today.' The text read

'Mmm i dont know jakeyyy' i texted back

'cute, like the nickname doll face.'

'thought you would! ;)' i teased

'i'll see you at the park then'

'wait i never said i'll meet u tho'

waited till i got home and he never texted back so i decided to go.

'fine, i'll be ther in 10' i txted


'oh now you txt back'

'yep! My idea worked anyway see ya when u get here'



'hey jake wants me to meet him at the park and i said i would meet him there so should i like blow him off or something?'

'great idea! but how bout you do go to the park but b late and i'll be ther flirting with him and you ssee us and get mad and storm off.' tera texted back

' your a smart girl! ok txt me wen you get theere.'


I like her idea better than mine! That'll fuck with him and make him want me more.

tera txted back and told me to come because she is flirtin with him and i will enjoy what happens next..

......AT THE PARK.........

"Hehe jake! Your so funny." I herd tera flirt as i came from behind them.

"As are you beautiful." jake flirted back. "I think you should come to my place for a little fun, and maybe come to my smashing party this weekend. It's going to be fun."

'Oh really...whys that?" Tera asked

"Well a pretty lady i know is going to be there." Jake said while kissing her neck

"Do i know this lady."

"its you beautiful" he said

"What the hell is going on here!?" I yelled

"Ohhh hey doll face!" Jake stuttered

"You played me!" I snapped

"Why do you think that?" Jake said with a smirk on his face.

"Your a dumb ass. Im outta here." I replied before storming off.

I texted tera and told her she did a good job and she said the same. I got home and took a refreshing shower. When i got back in my room i checked my phone to see that jake called twice and texted me 5 times. He is a player and i am playing him back! I'll text him tomorrow saying im sorry and stuff  for mis understanding what i saw today.  


I looked over at my alarm clock it read 7:32 AM

"Shit im late." I mumbled to myself. 'MOM!" I shouted


"Uh? Im late!"

"Walk, it's not far.


Today is friday which means jakes smashing party is tonight! I wonder why its call Smashing party instead of just Party.

I guickly threw on a neon green tank with black tank under it. and blue jeans. with black converse.

I ran out the door and ran to school to see that jake and tera were out side.....makeing out!

"Um...what the hell guys?" I questioned

 To Be Continued.....

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