chapter nine

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So i woke in the morning turn on bad and boujee by migos and got in the shower. And after my shower i lotion up my body put on my pink lace panties and bra. I grabbed phone i seen i had a text from august.

~Text convo~
😍BigDaddyA🍆: Good morning lil shawty.

🍑SexyMya😘: Morning bighead

😍BigDaddyA🍆: be ready at 8 i have a surprise for ya lul shawty.

🍑SexyMya😘: ok augg 😛

So after i had finish texting him i had took me a shower, lotioned my body, and put on my red and white bleach style jump suit with some red and white jordan 12's. I had decided to go downstairs and i got a note from my mom.


So i grabbed the keys and drive to chris house cause i didn't feel like cooking even though i know how to cook.

(Chris house)
So i had knocked on the door and the last fucking dumbass i wanted to see.....tyga. He licked his lips and looked me up and down i just brushed pass him and i seen chyna she was giving me a weird type of look though but not in a mean way like she wanted to fight but in a real difficult way. I just waved and went into the kitchen and hugged my mom and chris i had grabbed my plate and went up to the room cause chris says everytime i want to spend the night or chill by myself i can just come to this room. My room:

So i just turned on the tv and started watching reruns of Star cause thats my favorite tv show

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

So i just turned on the tv and started watching reruns of Star cause thats my favorite tv show. I was sanging along and eating at the same time i was just enjoying myself and when i got finished i went back downstairs to put my plate away.

Chris: umm babygirl?

Me: yes chris

Chris: me and your mom gotta talk to you about something.

Me: ok wassup
So i sat down on the couch next to them so i can see what they want to tell me.

Chris: well i wanted to tell you that im going on tour for 3 months.

Mom: and im going on a business trip for 4 months and we want tyga and chyna to watch you until chris gets back since i will be gone a month longer and we both leave tonight.

Me: fr yall leaving me with him like are guy fucking kidding me

Mom: dont use that language

Chris: ok im going to make a promise with you

Me: ok im listening 

Chris: im going to promise you that if tyga and chyna watch you while we are gone i will buy you any car you want and give you my black card to get you anything you want.

Me: omg fr ok you promise

Chris: i promise babygirl and when something go down and if you are in trouble call me and I'll be back down here ok.

Me: ok chris

Chris: they going to be staying here since yall already comfortable here

Me: ok can august come over anytime i want him too

Chris: yea anything for you

So i walked pass tyga and chyna. Tyga just had a smirk and chyn just had the same look from last time that shit is weird i just went back upstairs to my room lock the door and took me a nap.

My Step Dad *Chris Brown*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat