Chapter Fifteen

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    On the other side of that door, Gracelyn was sitting on the floor clutching her stuffed teddy bear that she has had ever since she was a little girl. She was squeezing and holding it her up close to her chin as she cries softly into it. The back of her head was leaning towards the end of her bed while her mind was in utter fog. "What the fuck is wrong with me?", she murmurs to herself, "Why the hell do I need these bandages on anyway?". Gracelyn happened to look down at her arms, which they were bandaged many times over. She placed her teddy bear underneath her bed behind her and began to start taking them off with a bit of force.
She could see some of her blood emerging from the surface of her skin slowly since some cuts were very recent ones but she didn't care in the least. She sat there hopelessly and studied both of her arms for quite some time. "Why am I doing this to myself? Like this isn't even healthy. Why is this so satisfying? Too many questions that I don't even though myself...Dad I'm so glad you haven't seen me like this, maybe it's a good thing you're longer here so you don't have to see what I have put everyone through...". She then turned her neck to her left and happened to see a very, neatly folded paper laying on her floor by the door. "W-What is that?", Gracelyn gets up and walks to it, picking it up and had seen her name that was written across. Without hesitation, she opens it and started to read it. She sat on her bed while doing so and realized that her mother had wrote it just for her. Gracelyn looks up after reading it as her tears began to make tiny droplets on the paper.
Instead of crumbling the paper and throwing it in the trash, she left the letter on her bed and made her way down the stairs to the kitchen where she sees her mother sitting at the end of the family table with a cup of coffee and her head and her hands being placed on the edge of the table. Gracelyn peered in and walked slowly towards her mother. She then sat diagonal of her and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure if she should disturb her or not but before she was about to say anything, her mother had awaken with a jolt and looked up at Gracelyn. "O-Oh Gracelyn, I'm so sorry sweetie...I didn't even hear you come downstairs, were you sitting for long?", "No Mom, I just got here. I should be letting you sleep.", "No-No baby, I'm so glad to see you right now. I was just resting my eyes for a moment.".
"Mom, I had just read the note...", "Yes?", "A-And I know you that you don't mean it.", "What I don't mean in what part?", "The part you said at the beginning that you wish I could see how great of a person I am...", "Gracelyn, you truly are!", "...And when you said that I have brought so much joy...Mom I think this was bribery.", "How is that bribery?", "That you expect me to buy everything you had said so we can move on and pretend nothing has ever happened.", "Gracelyn, you don't believe that, do you?", "Yes I do, I want to believe that you wrote that for me, I really do but I-I can't...", "Honey, what you don't realize is that it's your Depression that's feeding you information that isn't even true, but you still believe it because it's the only thing in your mind that is acting as a reliable source.", "H-How do you even know?", "I just do Gracelyn, not everyone would know that.", "It's because your my Mom obviously, you know everything.", "Maybe not everything Honey but I just happen to know this particular subject very well...".

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