Chapter Fourteen

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"Mom...I don't want to take this.", "Gracelyn honey, you need to keep taking your medication. This is what Dr. Branson has prescribed to you. Remember he did tell us that this is the way to get that static out of your brain, in order for you to feel better.", "Oh great, another lecture. Mom, look I'm fine.", "Gracelyn, you're not fine. You've had a traumatic event and with this medication that I am holding in my hand, you will need to take this because you are my daughter and I don't want anything to happen to you.", "Mom, these blue pills won't turn back time.", "I know they won't, but you have to promise me that you would at least try.". Karissa hands the small blue pill to Gracelyn in one hand and a glass of water from the other. Gracelyn sighs, takes the pill as her mother hands her water. "Okay, now open your mouth honey." Gracelyn does so with no pill in sight.
"Perfect.", "You make it sound so easy Mom.", "I may seem that way but really honey, none of this is easy. I need you to be strong and please stay with me, I can't afford to lose another one after your father and neither does Daniel.", "That's bunch of bullshit Mom.", "Don't swear Honey, you know that it's not true.", "Mom c'mon, you don't like me. I don't know why you should care...all I am is a burden. Ever since Dad has died, I felt like I could be the next one to go away so I can be with him and he can be with me.". Karissa curls her lips slowly, holding back the tears as she sees as if her own daughter was drowning in pain and worthlessness. "I need to be alone now Mom...I'm going to go upstairs to my room." Karissa stands at the end of the staircase, watching Gracelyn walk upstairs quickly as she slams the door behind her. Even though Gracelyn might be upstairs crying alone since she can no longer cut herself. As she was told by Dr. Branson, Karissa had taken all of the sharp objects from Gracelyn's room, including kitchen knives from the kitchen and stored them high away in a dark, plastic container in the family garage, where someone wouldn't at least expect it.
After seeing her daughter go hide up in her room, Karissa then went downstairs to her late husband's desk and grabbed a paper and a pen and soon began to write:

My Dear Gracelyn, I wish you could see how truly and how deeply you are loved by everybody. As your Mother, I have never stopped liking you nor have stopped loving you. Ever since you were born, you have brought so much joy to mine and your father's life. Without you, our family wouldn't be complete. Without you, our family would be lost and Daniel wouldn't have his big sister to look up to. I wish you could see what your family sees, a beautiful, bright intelligent young lady that has so much potential and doesn't deserve to be in some grave anytime soon. I know you're not a bad person and I know you're going through tough times. If you let me into your world, I want you to make me understand, educate me of what you are feeling inside. I want you to look at me as a friend that you can talk to at any day at anytime. I want you to remember that you are not alone and you will never be alone. I'll do whatever it takes to see my girl smile again. Always realize that there are so much people that care about you including myself. Nothing you do will ever make me stop loving you. I love you with all of my heart's content, I'll wait when you feel like you want to talk xoxo Mom

Karissa folds the paper in half, writing Gracelyn's name on top, walks all the way upstairs and shoves the note underneath her bedroom door, in hopes that Gracelyn will break her silence to her.

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