Chapter Seven

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    Karissa enters the bedroom, finding Gracelyn looking nervous and somewhat tense as she was sitting on her bed. Karissa sits herself down right beside her daughter and looks at her trying so hard not to look down at her arms. "Honey, are you doing okay?", "Yeah...Mom I'm doing fine." Gracelyn says in a calmly matter. "Well, if you need to talk Gracelyn, let me know. You, me and your little brother need all the support we can get at this moment.", "I don't want to talk about Dad...", "That's fine, we don't have to. We can talk about anything you want.". Gracelyn looks down to the floor, fidgeting with the sleeves of her housecoat. "Mom...I...oh never mind.", "It's okay, you can let it all out Honey, we could start with what's bothering you first.", "I just know that I had lost my best friend and he is never going to come back.", "Me too, he was my best friend as well.".
    For what might have been a breakthrough for the mother and daughter to start a conversation, there was knock on the bedroom door and the door was pushed slightly. "Karissa my dear, I'm sorry to be bothering you, your lawyer is here to talk about Carl's will.". Karissa wished she could say no since she wanted to spend quiet time with her own daughter and the thought of reviewing Carl's will was something that she wasn't planning on seeing for quite a long time. "Gracelyn, we will talk later, let's go downstairs.", "No Mom, I can't...I'm scared.", "Honey, we have to do this. C'mon let's go.".
For a couple of hours, Karissa and her kids sat down with their lawyer discussing about the will that was going to change the family's life forever. For Karissa, he left her all of his money he had left saving in his bank account to keep paying off the house they have now since Karissa could only afford half of it. She was beyond grateful that Carl had planned that since she had no idea he was going to put that on his will. For both of their kids, Daniel and Gracelyn was given some of Carl's possessions as well as leaving money to pay off their tuitions when they both attend University in the near future.
"Again, I am sorry once more for your loss. Mr McBride was a great man and he definitely knew how to take care of his family." Says the male lawyer. Gracelyn got up and walked out while Daniel still sat there in his chair. "I'm sorry Gordon, this has been one the hardest things for one of our children.", "I understand, I shall go so I can let the three of you mourn.", "Thank you Gordon, we will see you at the funeral.".
Gordon walks out the front door and Karissa went to the back door finding Gracelyn standing on the family deck crying in pain. "Gracelyn honey...", "Look Mom I'm sorry, I-I just...I-It was really hard to hear his will.", "Honey, look it at this way, I want you to understand this that your father left you and your brother the best gifts of all, especially having your future covered.", "What if I don't want to live past that?", "Honey, I don't want you to talk like that. You and Daniel as well as myself are going to be okay. We just have to keep thinking positive. It's going to take time but the McBride's never give up.". Gracelyn hugs Karissa tightly as Daniel comes outside and joins in on the hug as well.
The three hugged very closely and cried softly together as they all know they would have to conquer the world and Daniel was soon going to be the man of the house.

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