Chapter Twelve

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"Mom...", "Oh my god! Gracelyn, what the hell has he done to you? My poor baby!!", "Mom, p-please don't be mad...I-I'm so sorry!" Several tears were streaming down on Gracelyn's cheek. Karissa tries to keep her cool and walks towards her daughter with open arms. "Baby, I don't want you to be apologizing okay? None of this was your fault." Karissa could hear Gracelyn's silent cries as she buries her head by her mother's shoulder. Karissa kisses her on the top of the head and rocks her like she would if she was cradling an young infant.
    "Mom, you were right and you will always be. I had no idea he was going to kidnap me like that and...", "Honey, you don't need to say anymore than you have to.", "I-I can't believe he raped me...Mom he took me for granted...and I said NO! I've always wanted to experience my first time having sex as a joyful thing...but not this way." Karissa holds Gracelyn gently knowing how difficult this was going to be for her and her daughter especially. "I-I didn't want to get in that car...", "I know baby...", "He tells me to shut my mouth or he was going pop my head with a gun he already had loaded in the back seat between us..." Karissa listens closely, "He drove us to a very dark...unfamiliar place alongside the highway outside of the city and that's when he...he says now here's a virgin that I wanted to fuck with...", Karissa had a definite picture of Harvey saying that.
"T-then what happened?", "He unbuckled his seat belt and he started to kiss me really hard on the lips and touching me places...down was so uncomfortable. Then...he pulls my pants down as I couldn't stop him since he already had cuffed me with zip ties.", "Gracelyn honey, you don't need to go on, this is going to bother...", "And then I screamed from the top of my lungs but he slapped me across the face telling me shut up or he will consider killing me.", "Mom, I had no idea it would hurt as bad as I thought it would it be...I was bleeding for quite awhile...Mom I am so sorry that you had to hear that.", "Gracelyn honey, if this is what is going to help...release it, don't let it build up inside of you.", "I-I know...".
There was a knock on the door and a young man had walked in. He was the around the same height as Karissa with green eyes and a short, wispy blonde hair, believed to be in his mid thirties. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I can always come back if you like me to." He says holding a clipboard, "Oh, not a problem.", Karissa says as she lets go of her daughter. "A-Are you the doctor?" Gracelyn shutters, "Yes, in fact I am. My name is Dr. Lyle Branson, you must be Gracelyn and your mother I take it?", "Y-yes" Gracelyn stutters once more as she hesitates shaking Dr. Branson's hand. Karissa steps in and shakes his hand, "Please to meet you Lyle.", "The pleasure is all mine. Do you mind if I talk with your daughter alone?", "No, not at all. I'll just be outside if she ever needs me.", "That sounds great. This will take about ten minutes or so.". Karissa kisses her daughter on the cheek and walks out.
"Well Gracelyn, shall we begin?", "Begin what?", "Well, you see I am a Psychiatrist and it's my job to answer some of the questions that you might have and listen to you while you're speaking.", "W-What if I don't want to?", "Gracelyn, you are going to have to talk to someone. You can't keep letting this traumatic experience get in your way of life.", "Believe me, I am fine.", "Just by looking about you, the state of condition you're in, you are not fine. You need to talk to someone, please let me help you.". Gracelyn looks at him straight in the eyes with fear. Dr. Branson sat on a chair that was placed across from her. She then eventually sat down on her bed, covering her legs with a thin hospital sheet and looks at the doctor ahead once more. "Okay, are you ready to talk?", "Maybe...".

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