Chapter Nine

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Shortly after the funeral, everyone started to gather and made their way outside of the church while watching alongside Carl's closest family, as his casket was being picked up by the pallbearers and moved gently into the hearse. For a sad day like this, it was cold and pouring rain outside. Karissa had two umbrellas hovered over her kids, except for herself since she didn't really care about being wet at this moment. She could feel her mother tapping on her left shoulder as she was offering Karissa her umbrella. She pushed it away gently from her mother and turned her head away to look straight ahead at the hearse once more before several limos were emerging closely behind.
It wasn't long until Karissa and her main family were being ushered into the first limo. While everyone was settling in, there was absolute silence. No one was looking at each other and neither wanted to say a word. For what it felt like a short trip to the cemetery became a long one for the family. Karissa was seated to the closest window to her right and she felt like she was going to vomit since she hasn't felt so much Anxiety ever since she was in her twenties, back when she was in a really bad place. She could see her own daughter constantly fidgeting with her black long sleeve sweater as she kept on pulling it up to the bottom palm of her hand. Karissa didn't have to look the second time to know what was underneath that thin piece of clothing. Stay strong baby girl, you have your mommy protecting you all the way.
Before Karissa could look up at the window beside her, she could feel the limo coming to an abrupt halt. "Alright," She sighed softly. She was the first person to let herself out while everyone else eventually followed her afterwards. The sky was still grey and partially black, but the rain decided to give her a break so she let her hair dry up. She could feel Daniel's footsteps coming up from behind her as he caught up to her and grabbed her hand. She looked behind to see where Gracelyn was and she was no longer to be found within crowds of people that were walking towards to the burial site. Where could she be? Gracelyn, I hope you didn't go too far... "Mom, have you seen Gracelyn?", "No I haven't Karissa, she was here just a minute ago...perhaps she went to go talk to her friends.", "Yes, I sure hope so...", "Just relax dear, she will eventually join.".
    The burial ceremony was almost half way done and there was still no sign of Gracelyn. Karissa was sitting promptly in a folded chair, just like everyone else, worried in agony and fear. Just before she was about to get out of her chair to tell the Priest to stop the service so she could find Gracelyn, she finally sees her walking towards the coffin and sitting down right beside the empty chair that was saved for her beside her brother. Karissa could hear Gracelyn sniffling from two chairs away, she was doing quite a bit of it and then Karissa soon caught on what wasn't tears that her daughter was developing. She could tell by how her daughter's eyes weren't red or puffy. Nobody else noticed how stoned Gracelyn was as her pupils were becoming big. Part of Karissa wanted to leap from her chair and slap her daughter across the face, but she knew it wasn't going to be the right thing to do. Carl, I wish you were here...where are you when I needed you?

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