Chapter Thirteen

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    During the conversation with Dr. Branson, Gracelyn became more and more sociable with him and let on details with what had happened to her the night she had got kidnapped and sexual assaulted. "I can't imagine how terrifying and traumatic that night must have been for you Gracelyn and I am so sorry you had to endure it.", "I thought I could trust him you know...", "Was he your first boyfriend?", "Yes and probably my last.", "Don't say that, it may not seem like it right now but when the time comes and when you are ready to date again, you will find a guy that will treat you right and not hurt in a way Harvey has.", "I highly doubt that see...oh never mind.", "What that's? You can tell me anything dear." Gracelyn rubs her hands against her arms where she can see that they were both already bandaged up. Do they know? "You said anything?".
Dr. Branson nods slowly as he watches Gracelyn moving her hands up and down her arms, "The nurses have noticed there were some deep, swollen cuts on your arms...were you wanting to tell me something behind it?". Gracelyn hesitates as she looked up at Lyle who was waiting for her to speak and hopefully break her silence. "D-Did they have an idea what it was?", "What do you mean Gracelyn?", "I-I mean the nurses...did they have an idea why I know...those cuts on my arms?", "Well, they just assumed it was part of when you got attacked by your boyfriend...or was there something more?". Gracelyn hesitates yet again as she could barely get a word out. She takes a deep breath knowing she would have to spill the beans and worse, her mother and the whole world would know. "Look, this may look or sound pretty bad but...ack I can't do this...", "I think I know what you're trying to say here.", "You do?", "Yes I do, I have worked with many young girls like yourself including men and women that have done what I think you are trying to tell me right now.".
    Her face soon became red, which had made her look down towards the floor. This time, she was speechless and knew she was trapped. "Does it feel good to cut yourself Gracelyn?", "Yes" she mutters, "Are you now going to send me to a crazy house now?", "I don't think I have to dear, from what I can see, you just need someone to talk to about what you're going through.". Gracelyn looks up with a speck of tear rolling down on her cheek, she sniffles as she was handed a tissue from Lyle that he took out of his jean pocket. "Would you like to talk about it?", "I-I'm not sure...I feel so ashamed right now.", "Why Gracelyn?", "Because I've been keeping it under a secret for so long that now the whole world knows.", "It's only me that just knows.", "Yeah, but so do the nurses.", "I don't think they knew.", "Are you going to tell my mom? She cannot know!", "I'm going to have to tell her yes, but you'll be surprised how understanding your parents can be. Who knows? Maybe she went had through it like yourself when she was your age.", "My mom? No way...she's a mom, she has never being through any of those things. That's why her and I don't get along.", "You never know Gracelyn.".
"Unfortunately my dear, we are going to have to talk more about this later since I have other clients that I need to go to. I'm going to give you my card where it was my name and number listed below in case you ever need to contact me. Since it's Tuesday, I'll need you to come back to this hospital and see me this Friday okay? It is recommended that you talk to someone. I'm going to have a word with your mom right now." Lyle then shakes Gracelyn's hand and escorts her out to the hallway. "Mrs. McBride, may I see you for a second?", Karissa leaps from her chair and touches her daughter's shoulder as she walked past her. "Gracelyn honey, just sit right here. I won't be long.". The door closes behind Karissa and she soon began to listen closely to Dr. Branson.
    "Mrs. McBride, I have spoken with your daughter and I'm finding out some more things that needs to be addressed before she is discharged from here.", "Yes?", "She is good enough to go home but I think it's best for her to be away from school, if she can, so she can have time to recover from those bruises that she has on her face. I had given her my card but I'll give you one as well with my name and my contact number.", "Okay thank you, I am going to pull her off from school definitely.", "Terrific, she did open up to me about the incident but I have a feeling she might develop Depression over time but for now, keep an eye on her or if another family member can. I became a little concerned about something else as well.", "I think I know what you are talking about Doctor...", "You knew she was self-mutilating?", "Yes, unfortunately I have. I knew about it before she got raped. I was going to have her checked out but her, myself and her younger brother had dealt with a death in the husband.", "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear that. Gracelyn didn't say anything about that.", "It just happened not too long ago...I wasn't sure if she was going to say something or not.", "She didn't no, but this has been a whirlwind for you and your family.", "Yes it has, it seem to be one thing after another.", "I just can't imagine losing someone that close but since you already know about her situation, I advise you to take any sharp objects away that she could be using. Usually, for many people he/she uses razor blades, knives, pins, scissors, anything they can get their hands on.", "I will remember that, I used to do it when I was seventeen. I dealt with years of Depression.", "Wow, that's amazing how strong you have become.", "It wasn't easy but I know with you and me, we can try to get her better. I know she needs a good friend right now. She doesn't make a whole lot of them.". "Excellent, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I will in the meantime send her to a support group, that I do organize for young people like herself. I think this will benefit her even more by talking to others that are her age.". Karissa shakes Lyle's hand and couldn't have agreed more, "Thank you so much Doctor, this really means a lot.".

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