Humans are so ugly, and the world was so utterly boring; what was the meaning of him living in this world if he couldn't change it?

He thought he was different from the other beings, he wanted to play the world like he was a chess master playing a game of chess, while everyone else would be his pawns, used to achieve his own means.

Little did he know that he had played himself into his own game.

It was a pity. He was so close to his goals, to finishing his plans, until that wild card called Sawada Tsunayoshi appeared, and messed up the pieces on the chessboard.

The world still remained as horrible as it was before, and as usual, it was plain and mundane.


Maybe at the end, his wish was simple.

He wanted to create a world, a world that was right, and a world where he could be with Sawada Tsunayoshi.


TYL Hibari

When Hibari woke up, it was to a world without Sawada Tsunayoshi. Sawada Ietsuna was back, the world was at peace, but something seemed to be missing that turned the world monochrome-like.


He remembered how Tsunayoshi had smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll be back."

He had let him go then, yet when Tsuna's hand slipped away from his own, it somehow felt like Tsunayoshi was going to disappear into the air the moment he walked away.

But he still let him go, for Hibari Kyoya was one without sentimental feelings, the aloof cloud, and that will never change.


Tsuna was like sand, the harder you grip, the more he will disappear. However, at the end of the day, no matter how hard or gently you try to grab the sand, it would slip through the cracks between your fingers anyway.


Tsunayoshi had been so melancholic in the past, especially after that baby died.

Whenever one of the Arcobaleno dies, a little bit of light left his eyes, and it was as if a piece of him died along with them. Yet Hibari still see him smiling, but Tsunayoshi's smiles made him feel like there were many Rolls rolling in his heart.

One day, Hibari didn't know why he did that, but he finally told that miserable small animal that, "If you want to cry, you should cry." He even volunteered his shoulder, for god's sake. Of course he was confused as to why he did it since he was never one to console and comfort people, but he had the urge to protect the frail-looking small animal in front of him since day one.

Tsuna just laughed, every bit like a banshee's cries hurting his ears, "I'm fine. Really."

"You look like you are going to cry any moment. Don't make me repeat myself, omnivore. You're acting like a herbivore now."

"I'm their boss. If I break down, who's going to support them?"

Hibari just gazed at him, wondering, who is going to be left for you to support? They are all dying, and you are being left alone, but he didn't say anything.

Hibari left the conversation at that, because he knew that Tsunayoshi was strong despite his looks, and even if he's breaking bit by bit inside, Tsunayoshi would still be the person he always was.


Tsunayoshi had left him a letter. Hibari wondered if the omnivore had left everyone a letter.

The Sky and his Sun (KHR Fanfic R27)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu