He closed his phone and dropped it back down into the bag as he stood up.  He allowed the stylists and other staff to remove the outer layers of his stage outfit.  As he grabbed his street clothes off a nearby hanger, he felt an arm drape over his shoulders. 

"You saw her didn't you," mumbled Taehyung, a slight smirk could be heard in his voice.

Jimin blushed.  "Yah, don't be absurd." He grinned at his friend and then noticed Taehyung holding his back a bit as he walked beside him. "Hey, are you okay?" He thought he saw a slight grimace flash across Taehyung's face but it was quickly replaced with a smile.

"I'm just fine. Well, except for begin exhausted. Yeah, except for that, I'm great!" The two friends laughed and walked to a small area of makeshift changing rooms. They each slid into one of the small cubicles, a thin dark curtain the only thing separating them.


"Yeah, Tae," mumbled Jimin, painfully peeling off the sweat laden tight pants and slipping into something dry, not so restrictive, and drastically cooler.

"You were looking at something tonight when we were in the balloon."

Jimin froze and looked up at the ceiling. He had tried to keep a lid on his fascination with the pianist. He didn't want to raise more questions or have more people tell him it would never happen or never work out. He didn't want to hear that he was focusing too much on something not related to work. He didn't answer Taehyung and just resumed getting dressed. He slid a loose, oversized t-shirt over his head, feeling the cool material come in contact with his burning, clammy skin. A shower was sounding more and more exciting.

"Was it that girl?"

Jimin pulled his lips in and ran his tongue over them. This was getting uncomfortable and unavoidable. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped as Taehyung then continued speaking.

"Look, I saw her. I know you saw her too." A heavy sigh could be heard coming from the other side of the curtain.

Jimin looked towards the black fabric and he could see a faint outline of Taehyung's posture because of the lights shining overhead. His friend was standing with his hands on his hips, his head low. Jimin could tell he was thinking hard about what to say.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do. I consider you my dearest friend in the world, Chim. I want you to be happy. The look I saw on your face tonight was one of happiness. Honestly, you have taken care of everyone else for so long and looked out for our happiness, I feel it's only right you have some of your own."

Jimin watched the faint outline throw its head back and sigh. "The truth is, I don't want you hurt. I think you have an unhealthy obsession with her. BUT," he said, pointing a finger up by his head. He paused and Jimin found himself staring hard at the curtain. He startled backwards a bit as a shirtless Taehyung flung the curtain aside and stuck his head and shoulders into Jimin's side. "If she can make you smile like that, then I'm okay with it," he whispered, holding Jimin hostage under his intense gaze. "One more thing," he continued, his eyes roving over Jimin's frame. "Stop staring at me while I change. You're creeping me out." Taehyung turned slightly and gave him a side glance and a soft "tch" before pulling his upper half back into his side of the changing area.

Jimin stood fixed in his spot for a moment. Taehyung had been giving him conflicting feelings for a while. At own point he felt the boy was encouraging him to go try and make something happen with Nari and then at other times he seemed desperate to keep him away from her. Now he was giving Jimin his "blessing" for no other reason than a particular type of smile he saw on Jimin's face. Needless to say, Jimin was now confused.

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