Red Cheeks Suit You

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We walked back to the cabin number seven which was empty because everyone was watching the movie as I knew they would be. Not that I had planned this all inside my head but yes, I had totally planned this all inside my head. I smirked and pulled Even inside the cabin.

"See? It's all ours", I said and pulled him towards my bed. "What would you like to do?"

He raised his eyebrows and leaned closer to me. "Oh, lots of things." He's eyes travelled up and down on my body. "But for now I just want to hold you close. I've missed you and it's been a very long day."

I blushed and lowered my gaze down. Even pushed me on the bed and climbed next to me. He was surprisingly agile given the fact that he was basically a giraffe. I wasn't so short either but he was a freaking giant. I cuddled up to him and pressed my head against his chest, wrapping my arm around his waist.

We stayed there for a good while, neither of us saying a word. I listened his calm heartbeats and enjoyed the way his fingers were drawing patterns on my back, calmly and gently. I wanted to stay like that forever and of course just then I realised something that made me frown and pout childishly.

"There's only nine days left of this camp", I muttered out loud.

"So?" Even asked.

"What happens after the camp ends and we all leave? What happens after that? To us?" I asked.

Even pushed me away and sat up, looking me deep in the eye.

"We visit each other", he said simply. "This isn't just some summer romance, Isak. Not after all we've been through."

I smiled and then bit my lip. "Yeah. I... I kind of... told my mother about you already, so..."

"Oh, really?"

I nodded. "Really. Would you... like to meet them? My parents. You know, when they come here on the last day?"

Even leaned in and pressed a soft and gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'd love to", he said.

I started smiling like an idiot and blushed like a little kid.

"You're cute."

I slapped Even's arm. "Don't call me cute. I'm handsome."

"You're cute", he grinned.

"Am not!" I realised how childish I sounded so I groaned. "Seriously, why do you like me?"

Even looked surprised. He raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Where's this coming from?"

"I'm such a kid. Why on earth would you like me? I don't get it."

"Because you're cute", Even said. "You're funny, smart, special, interesting, kind..."

"Go on", I said, smirking. It was rather flattering to hear him talk like that and I didn't mind at all listening his words. Also I really liked his voice, so there was that.

"You're also a good kisser", he laughed and took my hand and held it, playing with my fingers. "And I just want you to be happy."

I smiled. "I am happy."

"Good." He kissed me and then his eyes dropped on my bruised knuckles. "What happened?"

"I got mad", I said. "And sad."

"Hope it wasn't a person who your fist hit."

"Nope", I laughed. "It's all water under the bridge, babe."

Even nodded and kissed gently my knuckles and that's when the door opened and my friends walked inside. We turned to look at them and Even sighed in disappointment, his hand dropping from my hair.

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