The... Blessing?

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I motioned towards the cabin's door.

"Should we go?" I asked.

It's not that I wanted to go, I wanted to tackle him to my bed and cuddle him until we both fell asleep but I couldn't do that, not when I knew that my friends were outside of the cabin waiting for us to come out.

Even took a hold of my hand and pulled me closer.

"Can't we just stay here and cuddle like... forever?" he asked. I started smiling like an idiot and I couldn't stop it, no matter how hard I tried. I shook my head.

"We should go. I think my so called friends have listened every word we have said and I think I owe them a thank you."

"Okay", Even sighed. "But you owe me a cuddle."

We walked to the door and he opened it. Jonas, Mahdi, Magnus and Eskild were standing right in front of us and started clapping their hands as we stepped outside. Magnus whistled and I blushed, gripping Even's hand tighter. Why did I have so embarrassing friends?

Even, however just laughed and apparently decided to but on a show because he yanked me closer and kissed me, then leaned our foreheads together and I could see him smile happily.

"Boo! You guys are disgusting", Magnus called out.

"Jealous much?" Even asked, turning to look at him.

Magnus swung his arm dismissively and we all laughed.

"Guys", I said. "Thank you."

Jonas smiled widely and patted my shoulder. "Our pleasure. You know, sometimes you're such a child and need a huge push before you can see how things really are."

"Just be happy that Even was just as stubborn as you and came to talk to us and didn't give up on your childish ass", said Magnus.

"Thanks guys", I muttered and rolled my eyes, looking at Even. "Thanks for not giving up on me even though I acted so childishly."

Even just shook his head and kissed my forehead.

"I'm getting jealous over here", Eskild groaned. "Keep down the PDA, please."

I grinned and jumped on Eskild, wrapping my arms around him. "I still love you."

"You better!" Eskild laughed and hugged me back.

The bell rang and our free hour ended just like that. Even walked me and the boys to the woodworks and kissed me goodbye.

"I can't get enough of you", he whispered, leaning our foreheads together. I blushed and he took a step back to look at my face. "You're cute when you blush."

I looked down and smiled. "Oi, shut up."

"Come on, lovebirds!" Mahdi yelled from inside.

Even sighed. "See you later."

"Bye", I said and let go of his hand as he walked away. I looked after him until he disappeared behind the corner and then I stepped inside, sitting next to Jonas.

"I know this might not be the best time for this", Jonas said, "but I told you so!"

"I know, I know", I sighed.

"You should've listened to me right from the start."

"I know."

"Who's your daddy?"

"ALRIGHT, shut up already!" I yelled and laughed. Jonas grinned and pointed at Mahdi.

"He had his doubts about our plan to lock you guys in the cabin", Jonas said. "Admit that it worked out better than what we had expected, Mahdi."

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