That Eyebrow Thing

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We walked straight back to our cabin from the kiosk and sat on the floor, dropping all our candy in the middle of our circle. There was lots of chocolate, mainly because of me. We had all bought our own candy but we always ended up sharing everything so that's why we placed them all on the ground so everyone could eat whatever they fancied.

"Should we play cards?" Jonas asked, his mouth full of chocolate.

Magnus shook his head. "No."

"Sore loser", I said under my breath and we all, except Magnus, started laughing. "Sorry, Magnus."

"I'm a sore loser? What about that time when Jonas got the girl you were trying to hit on? Who was the sore loser then?"

I raised my eyebrows. "It was almost two years ago. And I wasn't that interested, anyway."

Jonas laughed. "You're still mad about that."

Okay, maybe I was but just a little bit. I usually got what I wanted and I was the smoothest little fucker out there but somehow the girl ended up together with Jonas instead of me. I had hated it. But to be honest I couldn't even remember what she looked like anymore.

"All water under the bridge", I said, shrugging. "Remember when Mahdi chatted with some random girl on the internet and then it was revealed that she was actually he?"

Jonas, Magnus and I laughed. Mahdi glared at us.

"It's not funny", he said.

"Oh, it is funny, okay!" Jonas laughed, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

"I can't breath", Magnus said, holding his stomach. "Those were the times, man!"

Mahdi clapped his hands. "Alright, guys. What about last year when Magnus tried to kiss Vilde out of the blue and she slapped him in the face?"

"That was priceless!" I said.

"To be honest nothing can top that", Jonas said and patted Magnus's back. "You tried your best, buddy."

Magnus shivered. "I can still feel the burn when she slapped my cheek."

"Maybe she will warm up to you this year", I suggested. I didn't think it was completely impossible, just highly unlikely. Vilde had made it pretty clear that she wasn't interested but who knows? Maybe Magnus can charm his way in.

"Yeah, maybe", Jonas and Mahdi agreed, sounding lot more confident than what I had.

"Thanks, guys", Magnus said.

There was a knock on our door and then Vilde stepped in. We all glanced at each other. Had she heard us? What was she doing here anyway? Magnus looked really scared and pale.

"Hi, guys", Vilde said. "We who aren't watching the movie are playing Truth or Dare in the music room. Wanna join?"

I hesitated. It was never a good idea to play Truth or Dare but since my friends immediately agreed to go, I couldn't be a pussy and say no.

"Sounds fun", I lied.

We got up and followed Vilde outside and to the music room. On the way I grabbed Jonas's hand and whisper yelled at him, "If you dare me to strip naked again I'm going to kill you."

Jonas laughed. "What are the changes that when I spin the bottle, it will land on you again?"

"Small, or non-existent I hope."

We stepped inside the music room which was filled with a few people already. Emma, Noora, Sana, Vilde, Eva, the red haired girl Noora was talking about...I thought her name was Nora but I wasn't sure, Joakim, Eskild and...shit, Even. Great. That was just great.

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