Are You Stalking Me?

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Mahdi and I had to drag Magnus out of the art room because he didn't want to leave when Vilde was there. Eventually he gave up and followed us outside. The sun was behind the clouds but it was still very hot and I felt a sudden urge to rip my t-shirt off.

"What should we do--" I was cut off when Magnus's phone buzzed. He had received a text message from Jonas, asking if Mahdi and Magnus wanted to come to swim with him.

"Hell yes", Mahdi said when he read the message over Magnus's shoulder. "Are you coming, Isak?"

I shook my head. "We had... kind of a fight with Jonas. There's a bit of bad blood between us right now so I think I will skip."

"What did you two argue about?" Magnus asked. "You don't usually fight."

I shrugged. "Nothing, really. It was stupid."


It was silent for a moment before Mahdi shrugged and said, "Alright, well, I guess we'll see you at the dinner, then."

"Yeah", I replied. "See ya."

They walked away and I looked around, wondering what I should do. I didn't feel like going to the stables but I also didn't want to go to the music room, I wasn't ready to hear William lecturing me for skipping the practice. Then I remembered; archery. I still hadn't had a change to get my fingers on a bow and arrows. I felt like that was something I should definitely try, so I walked to the yard and saw Chris handing out wooden sword to a couple of girls.

I walked closer. "Hi, Chris. Care to give me a bow and arrows?"

"Oh, finally! No one has asked that today", he replied and laughed. "Come, I'll show you what to do."

For the next hour Chris showed me what to do and I tried my best to repeat after him. I hit the target couple of times but most of the time the arrows flew way past the target and into the woods so that I had to go there and find them.

"How do you know all this? You know, about swords and archery and stuff?" I asked Chris.

He shrugged. "We had a training before the camp."

"Oh." I wanted to be a supervisor next year but I didn't know it required a training. Now when I thought about it, it made total sense.

"Go on, try again. Remember to breathe out when you shoot."

I did and this time the arrow hit the target straight in the middle.

"Yes!" I yelled lifting my fist up. "Did anyone see that?"

"I did", Chris laughed. "Good job, Isak."


I was so excited that I continued practicing until the bell rang and it was time for the dinner. I helped Chris to clean the stuff from the yard and then I walked into the dining room with him, waving goodbye as we parted and went to our own tables.

Eskild was already there and soon after I sat down the table, Jonas, Mahdi and Magnus came. Jonas didn't look at me.

We got our food and then sat in silence. It wasn't the good kind of silence, it was really awkward. Magnus and Mahdi started chatting with each other but Jonas and I sat in silence. Eskild eyed us for quite a while until he finally groaned.

"Okay, what's up with the two of you?"

Neither of us answered.

"They had a little... disagreement?" Mahdi said vaguely.

"What?" Eskild asked. "You two? How's that even possible?"

"Ask him", Jonas said, motioning towards me.

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