Who Gave You the Right?

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I changed the chapter titles. They are not Chapter 1, Chapter 2... anymore, so check out the new titles, if you'd like. I hope you like them! Comment your thoughts!


The second I finished cleaning the toilets was also the second when the bell rang and free time was over. I had been wondering what to do with the fact that Emma had outed me to everyone. Should I confront her about it or just ignore the whole thing?

By the time I had put out the cleaning stuff and walked out of the building I had made up my mind and knew now what I needed to do; I had to talk with Emma, someone had to tell him that what she did hadn't been right and she can't just go around outing people because she wants revenge. Because that's what it had been, obviously. A revenge. But I had tried to apologize to her and she hadn't accepted it. She had no right to do what she had done.

I lurked around the stables, trying me best to avoid Sonja and see if Emma was there. She wasn't. I walked away and checked the music room and the beach but she wasn't there either.

Finally I found here in the art room. She was standing there, painting. Even's eyes landed on me when I stepped inside the room and they never left me when I walked straight up to Emma, ignoring Even. I had become quite good at it, unfortunately.

"What the fuck, Emma?" I said as I reached her, not giving a fuck who might hear us. I was so done with this shit and I just wanted to get things in order.

"What?" she asked as if she had no idea what I was talking about.

"Who gave you the right to out me to everyone?" I hissed. "You can't do shit like that!"

Now everyone was surely staring at us but I still couldn't give a single fuck. Not even when Even straightened up and stared at us, clearly listening. I didn't care that he would hear everything I was going to say, it didn't matter.

"You used me", she replied. "You let me understand that you liked me when in reality you were just trying to make Even jealous."

"I'm sorry for that", I said. "But I did tell you that I'm not interested quite soon before things could get serious so you can't really blame me!"


"No buts!" I said and crossed my arms, staring at her. "You have to understand that it is not right to out someone, ever. Don't you understand how sensitive subject it could be to someone? Coming out should be everyone's own choice and happen on their own terms!"

"I—I...", she wiggled her fingers nervously. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I didn't think the girls would tell everyone. I'm sorry."

I took a deep breath. That was all I really wanted to hear. Sure, it still didn't make what she had done right but that's still all I wanted to hear. I didn't want to be on bad terms with anyone. A simple 'sorry' was what I wanted but I couldn't understand how she could be so stupid that she hadn't realised that maybe it wasn't right to tell everyone about me and Even. Sure, it wasn't right for us to kiss while he was still with Sonja but he had broke up with her and technically we hadn't done anything wrong.

Emma shouldn't have outed me—us, to everyone. She should have know better. It was called common sense, for fucks sake.

"Fine", I said.

"Are we even now?" she asked.

I thought me kissing her to make someone else jealous and she outing me were two completely different things and hell no were we even now but I wasn't feeling like arguing any longer. I just wanted to things be okay so, therefore, I decided to let it go and just roll with it. Me holding a grudge wouldn't change things.

The Boy Who Couldn't Hold His Breath Underwater ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن