I Thought You'd Swim with Me

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Jonas and I were just getting back from our hiking trip when we stumbled onto Mahdi and Magnus. They were coming from the music room and they were laughing and pushing each other. I raised an eyebrow at them and crossed my arms.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

Mahdi grinned. "I tried to learn how to play two-row accordion and Magnus tried to play bagpipes."

"And how did that go?" Jonas asked.

"We failed completely", Magnus laughed. "Everyone was laughing at us like there's no tomorrow."

Well, I wasn't surprised. Magnus and Mahdi were as musical as slugs. They had no idea how to play any of the instruments we had in this world and we always got a good laugh when they tried to sing along to some random songs.

Our laughing was stopped when we saw Eskild and Even walking towards us. I snapped my mouth shut and looked down before quickly glancing at Even. Why do I have to be so shy around him? Damn it. It's not a habit of mine. Usually I was a very confident person around people, especially girls. I always knew what to say and do and I had no problem flirting shamelessly with literally anyone. I'm really kind of a flirty person but now, for some reason, I barely knew how to stand near Even. It's like I had lost every single bit of my confidence when he stepped into my life. And it was only a day two in this camp. How was I supposed to live with him in this island for three weeks if he keeps having this kind of effect on me?

Jesus Christ.

"Guys, you should go to the next spot and not stand here", Eskild said. "What were you laughing at, anyway?"

"Mahdi and Magnus were in the music spot making fools out of themselves", Jonas said and grinned. "I would like to have seen it."

"Me too", Eskild said.

I ruffled my hair and pushed the curls out of my face. Was it just me or was it suddenly got really hot in here? Apparently it wasn't just me because soon Mahdi said that he wanted to go swimming.

"I'm coming with you", Jonas said.

"Me too", Magnus agreed.

"Isak?" Jonas asked.

I shook my head. "I'll pass."

"I'm coming too", Eskild said. They left just like that and we stood there with Even, staring around and glancing at each other. Why was it like this? It was like...I don't even have words to describe it.

"Want to come to the stables with me?" Even then said suddenly.

I hesitated, already seeing how I would fall and die and the horse would eat my corpse. Apparently he saw the horror in my eyes because he laughed and motioned me to follow him.

"Come on, you don't have to ride on your first time", he said. I sighed and what the hell? Why not. I followed him and we walked to the stables. There was a punch of girls gathered around Sonja and they had a brown horse with them. For a moment I was afraid we would go to Sonja and be with her, listening her talk but I almost sighed in relief when Even walked past Sonja and we went over the fence on the field. It's not that I didn't like Sonja but I didn't necessarily want to hang out with her. I may or may not want to spend time alone with Even. I was torn between stay the fuck away from me and please hang out with me. I didn't really know what to do with Even so I basically rolled with the flow and hoped for the best. After all, what was the worst thing that could happen?

He walked up to a horse and patted it's back. The horse didn't seem to mind, it just kept eating.

I kept my distance, eyeing it suspiciously.

The Boy Who Couldn't Hold His Breath Underwater ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt