Shut Up for Once and Listen

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The tension that filled our table during the breakfast was unbearable. I squirmed uncomfortably when the silence just kept getting longer and longer when everyone were staring at their plates and eating, without looking at me. My friends eyed on each other from time to time but never me and I just knew they were planning on something and I wanted to know what it was. Not that I really believed they would ever tell me. But I wanted to know anyway.

"You're up to something", I finally said. I got no answer and I sighed because that's what I had been expecting, so no surprise there. "Fine, don't tell me."

I got up, put my dishes away and walked out of the dining room. I was happy that no one was staring or whispering about me anymore, everything had calmed down and I didn't get weird looks as I walked. It felt good that things were somewhat back to normal.

After wondering for a moment what to do I decided that I should go check if the art room was safe to enter. By safe I meant that if Even was there or not. I didn't want to go there if he was supervising. I was too scared he would try to talk with me. I had no idea what I should say to him if he did.

I made my way to the art room and peeked inside carefully.

There was Vilde, alone.

I sighed in relief and walked in, greeting her. She lifted her eyes up and looked at me, a wide smile spreading on his face.

"Hi, Isak", she said. "How's your painting coming along?"

I showed it to her. "It's almost done and then I can start doing that animal thing-y."

I had no idea what animal I should paint but I didn't have to worry about that yet, I still had my old painting to finish.

"Good, good!" she said, smiling brightly. "Well, get on with it, then!"

I started painting. The sky looked beautiful and I was rather proud. The bonfire and guitar player were a bit messy but I let it go. I had to finish it and I had done my best already, there wasn't really anything else I could do. The colours were beautiful, though.

It took a bit over half an hour but finally the painting was ready. I showed it to Vilde and she nodded approvingly.

"It's beautiful", she said. "You should be proud of yourself."

I laughed. "Trust me, I am."

"What animal do you think represents your personality the most?" Vilde asked when I took a new blank oil canvas and put it in front of me.

"I don't know", I said honestly.

"Okay", she said, "let's try another way around. What do you think is really beautiful? Something worth aiming for?"

I thought about it even though I already knew my answer. I had always thought that couples who are together for many years, like fifty or something, were incredible. The fact that you love someone so much you're willing to spend your whole freaking life with them. It's beautiful. It's something I would like to have one day. Spent the rest of my life with one person, happily. That was my goal. Was it weird for a seventeen years old to aim for that?

"Commitment", I said finally and Vilde nodded.

"Well", she said, "did you know that swans mate for life?"

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Swans usually just have one mate for their entire life and if their partner dies, the other can die of a broken heart", Vilde explained.

I stared at her with open mouth. "Seriously? I didn't know that. How did you know that?"

She shrugged. "I know a lot of random facts."

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